1500 Points No Mercy: 40k Orks vs Minotaurs

By Steven Pardo | February 1st, 2018 | Categories: Battle Reports, Orks, Space Marines, Warhammer 40k News

sn battle reportsSN Battle Reports are back! The Minotaurs are here, lead by the man himself, Chapter Master Asterion Moloc. They will be facing Orks, painted by KB Studios.

As always, an awesome table, set up by the team with a special mention to Escenorama for their awesome ruins. Well, today we have a massive treat for you we have a new army at the studio and what a beautiful army it is: the Minotaurs facing off against Orks. We have both players battling to the death in the No Mercy mission so this is going to get very bloody very soon with both armies well renowned for their strengths in close combat. Hold on to your seats ladies and gentleman and enjoy the ride!

Deployment: Hammer & Anvil

Mission: No Mercy

Points: 1500

sn battle reports minotaursAsterion Moloc sat unmoving on his massive and imposing throne of carved rock, his relic spear and shield leaning against its granite arms. The burnished bronze of his ornate armour reflected the glow of the half dozen tactical hololiths that warred for his attention.

++ Vanguard Detachment +1CP (Imperium – FW Adeptus Astartes) ++

+ HQ +

  • Lord Asterion Moloc
  • Captain in Gravis Armor: Boltstorm gauntlet, Master-crafted power sword

+ Troops +

  • Intercessor Squad: Bolt rifle, 4x Intercessor, Intercessor Sergeant
  • Intercessor Squad: Bolt rifle, 4x Intercessor, Intercessor Sergeant

+ Elites +

  • Relic Deredeo Dreadnought: Aiolos missile launcher, Anvillus autocannon battery, Twin heavy bolter
  • Primaris Ancient: Standard of the Emperor Ascendant
  • Tartaros Terminator Squad
    . Tartaros Sergeant: Combi-bolter, Power sword
    . 2x Tartaros Terminator w/Chainfist
    . Tartaros Terminator w/Heavy Weapon: Heavy flamer, Power fist
    . Tartaros Terminator w/Power fist: Combi-bolter, Power fist

+ Heavy Support +

  • Relic Leviathan Dreadnought: 2x Heavy flamer
    . Leviathan melee weapon: Leviathan siege claw, Meltagun
    . Storm cannon array
  • Devastator Squad: Armorium Cherub
    . Space Marine Sergeant
    . x4 Space Marine w/Heavy Weapon: Heavy bolter

sn battle reports orksThe illumination radiating from these spectral displays creating an island of light in the umbral darkness of the huge throne room. He betrayed no interest in them or in the score of armoured giants that awaited his command on the other side of the floating screens of tactical readouts.

++ Outrider Detachment +1CP (Orks) ++

+ HQ +

  • Zhadsnark Da Ripper

+ Elites +

  • Meganobz
    . Boss Meganob w/ Saws: Killsaws (Pair)
    . Meganob w/ Saws: Killsaws (Pair)
    . Meganob w/ Saws: Killsaws (Pair)

+ Fast Attack +

  • Warbikers
    . Boss Nob on Bike: Big Choppa
    . 7x Warbiker
  • Warbikers
    . Boss Nob on Bike: Big Choppa
    . 7x Warbiker
  • Warbikers
    . Boss Nob on Bike: Big Choppa
    . 7x Warbiker

+ Heavy Support +

  • Battlewagon: ‘ard Case, 4x Big Shoota, Grabbin’ Klaw, Zzap gun
  • Morkanaut: Kustom Mega Kannon, Kustom Mega-blasta, 2x Rokkit Launcha, 2x Twin Big Shoota

sn battle reports terrain The gathered senior officers of the Minotaurs stood at attention in two semi-circular ranks at the foot of the dais, mirroring their chapter masters stillness. One might be easily fooled into thinking them a collection of massive, ultra life like bronze statuess of Astartes, the pristine primaris inductees standing a full head taller than their brethren.

With both armies ready to start, Aaron wins the roll off and opts to start deploying a unit first with Dayan taking advantage of choosing sides and opting for the area with higher levels. We will also be using the rulebook terrain rules for the Imperium statue, so any of Dayan’s models within 6″ of the statue will gain +1 extra leadership.

Aaron starts by deploying the Morkanaut as close as possible to the deployment edge. Great to see these guys back on the table and with a vengeance as they are tough as nails with good firepower. Being able to transport units especially now that assault is a key feature bearing in mind it wasn’t an assault vehicle in 7th which was a big shame.

sn battle reports ork bikes The deck shivered and the sparse lighting in the huge chamber momentarily went out as the Daedalos Krata absorbed the incoming broadsides of her numerous foes.  Still Asterion Moloc did nothing. Said nothing. One of the hololiths displayed the violence of the void engagement they were currently fighting as multi coloured runes on a three dimensional spherical grid.

Wow! What a sight and what a paint job! These look amazing and fresh off the paint station. Three biker units are deployed on the table, again making good use of the open areas and getting them as close as possible to the deployment line. Go Orks!!! Waaaaghhh!

sn battle reports minotaurs 2To any observer with a passing knowledge of such things it was plainly evident that the powerful Minotaurs fleet was obliterating the Ork armada, the Daedalos Krata the tip of the spear ripping the Orks rough formation apart one broadside at a time. Another shudder, again the lights dimmed. The assembled Astartes stood static, their focus on their immobile chapter master.


On the other side, we see…… Wait, what?!!!! Finally on the SN table Primaris Marines!!! <3 Dayan sets up one of his two Intercessor Squads behind the ruins making sure these guys have a better cover as he knows full well the amount of firepower those Ork biker squads have. From the top of my head, I think its 40+ shots from a full squad…ouch! The awesome Captain in Gravis Armour deploys just behind.

sn battle reports minotaurs 3His crested helm moved a fraction. The barest of nods. The space marine officers saluted as one and voxed their invasion orders to their individual commands as they hurried to their embarkation decks. Asterion Moloc lifted himself from his throne with deliberate slowness, his armour scraping against the stone with a sound like continents colliding.

The heart of the army and certainly the toughest units on the Minotaurs side deploy side by side making good use of the high ground from this board edge, again a first for both these units in our 40k reports. Will the Leviathan be as deadly as they are in Horus Heresy…we shall see!

sn battle reports minotaurs 4He stooped for his spear and shield as a squad of tartaros armoured Minotaurs emerged as one from the shadowed gloom behind the dais. Asterion Moloc, chapter master of the Minotaurs, hefted the black spear several times, testing its weight and his grip before falling still once more. His crimson cloak lifted and billowed about him moments before the blinding flash and echoing boom of teleport translation snatched him and his terminator armoured cohort from the throne room.

Another amazing new model walks the SN battlefields for the first time, the Primaris Ancient deploys just behind the Heavy Bolter devastator squad giving them some awesome rules, providing them with some extra leadership and an extra attack or shooting attack if they get removed from play in one final glorious effort. Awesome. Congrats Dayan, your army is certainly looking amazing. Now with both armies ready to go its down to steal the initiative, every players worst moment in the game…… Dayan Rolls but lucky for Aaron its a 4. Dayan thinks about re-rolling the dice and using his first Command Point but after some thought and some pre-measuring making sure the bikes will not be in firing range turn one due to deployment he is happy to give Aaron first turn. Let’s do this!

Check out the full report here.

warhammer horus heresy sn battle reports