$300 40k Army Challenge Tau Vs. Imperial Guard

By Guest Author | April 5th, 2017 | Categories: Battle Reports, Imperial Guard, Tau

imperial guard

Welcome back Hobbymaniacs, today Juice and Talon are here to do a very special 40K battle report using armies created on budgets of only $300!

Getting started with a new 40K army can be a daunting task and a huge investment.  Juice and Talon decided to take the plunge and startup some new armies to demonstrate just how awesome an army can be created with just $300!

Each force was built assuming you can get your product for 10% off, and that each army required a $50 rulebook.

Juice andTalon

Talon loves The Astra Militarum more than any other faction, so he decided to add to his existing collection by making a new Cadian force with a couple of GW’s amazing start collecting boxes.  Throw in a couple of characters, a Chimera and a dash more guardsmen, and you’ve got yourself a great starting army!

Astra Militarum

Juice decided to grab some Tau for his new army.  This fantastic army was created by our friends over at Top Miniatures.  A Riptide, some Crisis Suits, Shadowsun, and some Kroot is a great starting point for a Tau army.  If only you could get a paint job like this for $300!

Tau Army

Some awesome Kroot conversions and a wicked blue paint job make this Tau army really pop!  These amazing Kroot conversions use the Wych Aelves from Age of Sigmar.

Converted Kroot

Juice and Talon are all ready to duke it out to see who’s budget army will be the victor!  Will the xenos menace overwhelm the Astra Militarum, or will the defenders of the Imperium stand against the alien menace?


Check out the whole video battle report here to see all the action!