Can 4 Tie Bombers Stop Boba Fett? – Battle Report

By Barclay Montgomery | August 30th, 2016 | Categories: Battle Reports, Star Wars, X-Wing 2.0

Slave One Box Art

It’s Imperial versus Imperial in this awesome video battle report for Star Wars X-Wing! Watch as the Decimator go toe to toe of with the Firespray in this thrilling video. My money is on the Empire!

tie bomber 1

Rob’s List

Scimitar Squadron Pilot – Long Range Scanners + Extra Munitions + Plasma Torpedoes + Proton Bombs

Scimitar Squadron Pilot – Long Range Scanners + Extra Munitions + Plasma Torpedoes + Proton Bombs

Scimitar Squadron Pilot – Long Range Scanners + Extra Munitions + Plasma Torpedoes + Proton Bombs

Scimitar Squadron Pilot – Long Range Scanners + Extra Munitions + Thread Tracers + Plasma Torpedoes

firespray xwing boba fett

James’ List

Krassis Trelix – Slave I + Extra Munitions + Tractor Beam + Proton Rockets + Guidance Chips + Rebel Captive

Captain Oicunn – Dauntless + Ysanne Isard + Mara Jade + Guidance Chips + Predator

Boba Fett VS. Tie Bombers X-Wings Battle Report