The Bloodiest Path To Glory: Orruks Vs Khorne


Welcome back Hobby Fans, today we have another awesome Long War battle report featuring Felix’s Orruks Vs Wind’s Khorne Daemons!

Felix’s Orruks are facing off against Wind’s Khornate Daemons in the latest in our Long War Path to Glory battle report!

The Age of Sigmar Path to Glory allows you to pick a Chaos Champion from your Age of Sigmar collection, generate a warband to follow them, and lead them to glory against rival champions in games of Warhammer Age of Sigmar. Only the truest devotee of Chaos will rise to achieve the ultimate reward: immortality as a Daemon Prince!

Khorne Deamons

Wind has a lot of Bloodletters, backed up with the fearsome Bloodcrushers, and lead by a Bloodthirster and Deamon prince!

OrruksFelix went with all the biggest Orruks he could find! That’s a lot of heavy armor on the table, lead by Gordrakk on Maw-Krusha, and backed up by the War Chanter choir.Setup

The Orruks and Deamons are arrayed accross from each other, both sides ready to rush forward, and spill the blood of their foes just for the pleasure of it!Turn 1

The Orruks go first and surge across the table, smashing one of the Chaos Heralds whilst preparing to encircle the Khorne Daemons!

Who will win, Orruk or Daemon?  Check out the video to find out!