Battletech Kickstarter Raises Over $1 Million in 24 Hours!

By Wesley Floyd | July 30th, 2019 | Categories: BattleTech, Kickstarter, Warhammer 40k Rumors

Battletech: Clan invasion is already off on the right foot in terms of Kickstarter projects. Check out the milestone they hit and future plans for the game!

Coming from Catalyst Games Kickstarter page, we’ve got a clear picture of the funds donated by fans across the web! But that’s not all! Catalyst Games also gave us an in-depth look at what they plan to do for their expansion, Battletech: Clan Invasion.

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Battletech Kickstarter Raises Over $1 Million in 24 Hours!

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At the time of writing this, they’ve already generated $1.2 million with almost 6,000 individual backers. Their only goal was a simple $30,000 and they’ve still got half a month to go! These guys are looking to be in pretty good shape on delivering exactly what they want into the players’ hands.

So let’s check out what they plan on doing:

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Over the last twelve years, Catalyst Game Labs has revamped the core rules and published three variants of the box set, released dozens of new sourcebooks, and created thirty-two plastic miniature designs Despite these successes, one goal has remained out of reach: the expansion of our miniatures line to include re-designs of the popular Clan OmniMechs. Until now.

The Clan Invasion box set is the central product of this campaign. Meanwhile, our stretch goals and add-ons include additional high-quality redesigns, and enough swag to keep even the most jaded Clan warriors satisfied with their spoils of war. To that effect, we are offering DOUBLE FORCES for pledge levels of BLOODNAMED! and above. If your pledge level includes a Star Pack or Lance Pack as a reward, we will send you a second one for free!

From the looks of it, this project will end up near the $3 million range according to Kicktraq:

It goes without saying that if you’re a fan of Battletech and want to support what these guys are doing, check out their Kickstarter page and see what you’ll be getting in return for your donations.

All Systems Nominal…

What are your thoughts on a new miniature line coming to Battletech? How long have you been playing Catalyst games’ games? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and sign up to get your free hobby updates newsletter each morning as well!