New Bits – Female Cuirass Torsos for Guard

By Zeb Barrett | October 12th, 2016 | Categories: BITS, Tabletop Gaming Products

imperial guardswoman

There never seems to be enough women in the Warhammer world but with these bits we can change that! Let’s bring more women to the battlefield!

Victoria Miniatures now makes it easier to bring women to the battlefield with these new torso bits!

Source: Victoria Miniatures

Female Cuirass Armor Torsos: $5.50




5 Resin Female Cuirass Armor Torsos.

Conversion parts for creating your own custom Female Guard Squads.
Compatible with Victoria Miniatures female Guard and popular plastic kits.

Hand cast in high quality resin.
Victoria Miniatures has a ton of other bits to choose from to customize your minis and make them just the way you want so definitely head over there and check them out. While you’re there grad the Female Cuirass Armor Torsos.