NEW BITS – Puppetswar Ork Stormboyz Jump Packs!

ork stormboy

Orky fans have some cool new Stormboyz jet packs coming out from Puppetswar Minis! These rockets look super fast and dangerous just they way they like it!

Via Puppetswar

Orc Jump Engines $9.10



Set contains 3 resin Jump engines and 3 mount slots. Parts compatible with weapon mounts on puppetswar vehicles, parts are designed to fit 28mm “heroic” tabletop wargames scale.

These super cool bits were made for just one thing: to make your Orks and Stormboyz dead killy!

You could even strap one of these to a Grot to make the dreaded Grot Bomb!

How would you use the Orc Jump Engines from Puppetswar?