NEW BITS – Puppetswar Terminator CCW Praetorians


Puppetswar has made some new bits, this time featuring their Praetorians models. These guys look ready to take on any for in glorious hand-to-hand combat.

Don’t pick a fight with these guys!

Via Puppetswar

Praetorians $36.41



Set contains 5 Praetorians. Body and arms have 3x1mm magnet type holes, as it is shown on picture 3. Models are designed to fit 28mm “heroic” tabletop wargames scale, (max 40mm height)

These cool models would go great as some Space Marines Terminators. They look specifically kitted out for melee combat so they would go great as Assault Terminators. How would you utilize the Praetorians in your army?

We are the Hammer of the Emperor !