BLACK FRIDAY – Your Guide To The BIG Sales

By Rob Baer | November 27th, 2015 | Categories: Black Friday Sale

gw black friday

Too many deals that you don’t know where to start? Checkout our guide to all the deals on wargaming this weekend!



Up To 29% OFF ALL Games Workshop & Free Shipping

(Including GW Special Order Items)


We are so excited to announce that from today (Thursday 26) and through the entire weekend and Monday 30 you can take 15% off

Avatars of War


The Black Friday sale has begun! Come on over to our webstore to see all the specials.

Wyrd Games Webstore

The Black Friday promo is active now over at Kromlech Miniatures
Best deal ever, 20% discount for everything!

Kromlech Miniatures


Sale to be announced on Friday November 27th!


Horus Heresy Mega Sale. Below eBay prices, and $10 deals, this weekend only.

Betrayal For Calth Mega Sale

sprue deals_1024x1024

We’ve had a plastic fantastic year and to share the joy of the wondrous detail behold our spruetastic 50% offer off of each plastic sprue in the Warlord range!

Yes that’s right! 50% off a huge range of plastic sprue frames from Thursday 26th to Monday 30th November. With so many to choose from you can add to your armies, create pin markers, sculpt dioramas, make key objective markers, convert units… The list is endless, what will you do with yours?

Warlord Games



From Midnight tonight, until midnight on Sunday (72 hours) we will be offering 30% off Black Ops Kits, 20% off selected Black Ops Bits, and 10% off our brand new releases!

Anvil Industry


Kickstarter Watch: While this isn’t on sale this terrain is pretty fresh, and I’ve never seen anything like it before. Be sure to check it out before it goes off Kickstarter y’all!

Laser Terrain Kickstarter

gw black friday

Gamest Workshop is offering a TON of bundle deals this Black Friday, check out the break downs below for all the deals that games workshop is dropping on everyone this holiday!

GW Black Friday Bundles

More Can’s Miss Holiday Sales

Arena Rex: 25% off storewide

Warlord Games: Bolt Action buy 3 get 20% off

Terra Tiles (great for adventure games!): 10% off of an entire order

Battle Front Miniatures: 33% off all Flame of War and a cap on shipping costs 

Good Old Games: Up to 50% off Classic D&D Games

Spartan Games: Major discounts on Halo Fleet Battles, Dystopian Wars, Firestorm Armada, and Planetfall

Angry Mojo: Terrain and a mat bundle

BlueBot Masking Stencils: 30% on orders over $30

Bare Bones BattleWorks Co: Deals on bags, foam, and shipping

Well that’s all we have this time around folks. Good luck deal hunting out there, and be sure to checkout Dicehead Games for some of the biggest and best deals on Games Workshop this year!

Happy hunting!