New Black Library: Sisters, Necromunda, Space Marines, & More

Black Library Reiver

More releases are on the way from Black Library, as Sisters, Necromunda, Space Marines and more headline the lore side of things this week from GW!

Keep tabs on your favorite factions and characters from the worlds of Warhammer with this week’s new release titles.   Most of the releases this week are short stories. However, if you enjoy quick and easy stories, all of them are bound to be up to the mark.

Fangs of the Rustwood $ 3.99

Fangs of the rustwood

Kantus Vallo, witch hunter of the Order of Azyr, escorts a caravan of prisoners back to civilisation for trial. Their path takes them through the Rustwood, a great untamed wilderness, menacing and foreboding. Each prisoner is a suspect in the murder of an influential governor – sorcerer, poisoner and guard captain, each has their means and motives. Vallo’s attempts to discover the truth are derailed when the inhabitants of the Rustwood attack. Enemies quickly become allies, but can Vallo truly trust three potential killers?

Written by Evan Dicken

Forsaken $ 3.99


The Imperial cruiser Santa Xenia hangs silent in the void, abandoned and lifeless. Or so it seems… Sister Augusta and her squad, Battle Sisters from the Order of the Bloody Rose, investigate the stricken hulk, but it seems that their search for survivors fruitless – until an ambush is sprung. Xenos foes infest the once-noble ship, and the Adepta Sororitas’ mission turns from one of rescue to simple survival as monstrous enemies close in.

Written by Danie Ware

Dead Drop $ 3.99

Dead drop

The Road Dogs, an Orlock gang in the depths of Necromunda’s underhive, are on the trail of a big score. Danner Grimjack, the gang’s leader, has planned meticulously, and now it all comes down to the execution. As they go into action, the Road Dogs tackle the Steel Crescents, their Van Saar rivals, on a moving transporter. Danner can only hope the prize is worth the hassle…

Written by Mike Brooks

Heart of the Fallen $ 3.99

The heart of the fallen

Many are the perils of the Bloodwind Spoil – and great are the rewards for those who can hunt and bring down one of the great Chaos-touched beasts of that infernal land. For Dhyer, Open Skies and Fleet-foot. a trio of youths seeking to make their names among the Untamed Beasts, the hunt is on – but not all of them will return to their tribe unscathed, and only one can truly claim the glory of the kill.

Written by Sarah Cawkwell

Born of the Storm $ 3.99

Born of the storm

Cadet Augustin, a would-be Astra Militarum trooper, finds himself in danger when his patrol route takes him to the habs where he grew up. An unexpected encounter with a mine leaves his squad leaderless, and local gangs attack, looking for the well-maintained weapons of the Imperial Guard. Little does Augustin realise that this is only the start of his trials, and that his journey will span years and cross the galaxy, taking him from humble cadet to something different and greater…

Written by Edoardo Albert

These upcoming releases are going to be a great for anyone invested in the lore of Warhammer’s universe. Score these titles today from The Black Library and check back next week for the latest.