New X-Wing Event, Black Library, & Forge World’s LATEST

Yvraine H&S

With a ton of new releases from the Black Library, Forge World, and a look at the X-Wing System Open Series, there was a lot that happened over the weekend.

Whether you’re into 40k, Lore, X-Wing, or just want to know what’s happening in the community we have something for you from the weekend:

X-Wing System Open Series: The Battle for Coruscant!

Space battle CoruscantFantasy Flight has created a very unique tournament, with the grand finale taking place during the 2017 Star Wars Celebrations in Orlando, Florida.

Warhammer Quest: Shadows Over Hammerhal Contents REVEALED!


Games Workshop just did their own personal unboxing of the new Warhammer Quest: Shadows Over Hammerhal. Come take a look to see what’s inside!

Stormcast Battletome’s Contents & Points List SPOTTED!

stormcast eternal prosecutorsWith all the new Stormcast minis being released wouldn’t you like to know how many points each one is going to cost you? We have the list right here!

Forge World’s New Release Lineup REVEALED!

Thunderhawks walpaper1

Forge World just released two sets of new jaw dropping minis. Finally Horus Heresy: Inferno, new Dwarf minis, and an old classic returns from the 2000’s!

Order Battletome and More: Newest Releases From The Black Library

stormcast on dracoth sigmar

This week’s new release from the Black Library include the Stormcast Eternals Battletome, Slaughter at Giant’s Coffin, and more!

Games Workshop revealed the contents for Warhammer Quest: Shadows Over Hammerhal, Fantasy Flight put out some great information on the X-Wing System Open Series and the battle for Coruscant, and then we got a look inside the new Stormcast Eternals Battletome. This was definitely a busy weekend for the hobby, thank you for making us your go to for the latest updates.

overhead tables game

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