3D CAD – Can GW Drag & Drop Designs?

By Rob Baer | February 19th, 2015 | Categories: Blood Angels, Editorials

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Long time hobbyist JTroop sent me this pic of the Space Hulk Blood Angel Storm Shield (2009) and the new Storm Shield from the Terminator kit (2013/14).


Notice anything similar?

It got me wondering if Games Workshop can just drag and drop designs in 3D when they go to make new versions and designs of models (like with the Star /Void Reavers looking like Dark Eldar Venoms).

I would think it would cut down on design time for them (a plus for us all), and the quality is always the same too! I feel like GW is at the top of the game when it comes to designing toy soldiers currently, so perhaps this functionality isn’t too far fetched of a thing to possess?

Kudos to technology for bringing us such great looking stuff!

What do you think, is there a 3D CAD library at GW headquarters all full of great stuff?

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