GW Announces New Animated Space Marine Series for 2019

movie angels of death

If you love all things Space Marines, and the animated short style from YouTube, today GW announced a Warhammer 40k two-fer that’s coming our way in 2019!

Games Workshop dropped the word that an animated Space Marine series is in the works, but that’s not all. They’ve teamed up with the fans that made the gorgeous Helsreach animated series, which was fantastic on its own.

But now that Games Workshop is backing them, we may be in for a real treat.

Angels of Death

movie angels of death marine wal hor blood angels


Check out the trailer from Warhammer TV

‘Angels of Death’, will follow the visceral exploits of a band of Blood Angels Space Marines as they face Mankind’s enemies, death and worse – the dreaded Black Rage. To ensure the story is suitably grimdark, we’ve called upon the talents of some of Black Library’s finest authors. Together, they’re forging an epic tale for the animators to realise.


As one of the most tragic Chapters to exist in 40k, it’s already exciting to hear how these Space Marines will be fighting a war on two fronts. one against the tyrannies of Mankind, and the other inside their minds as they fend off the Black Rage.

GW Brings Fans into Collaboration

chaplain grimaldus helsreach x

Speaking of which, some of you might be familiar with the Helsreach fan film, based on the Black Library novel of the same name. If you thought that was cool, you were right! We enjoyed it so much that we knew we had to team up with the very same team to deliver Angels of Death.

It looks like Angels of Death will be scripted by Black Library authors and animated by the Helsreach fan team. There’s not been an official date on when the series is going to drop, but we can look forward to seeing it at some point in 2019.

What do you think about a series showing the struggles of Blood Angels in the Grimdark universe? How many episodes would you like to see? Do you think named characters like Dante and Gabriel will be in it? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.