Forge World Pre-Orders: LoTR, Necromunda & More

By Wesley Floyd | December 7th, 2018 | Categories: Blood Bowl, Forge World, Lord of The Rings, Necromunda

Thundehawk crop forge world

Forge World is back in action this week with new pre-orders coming for multiple games. Let’s check out the latest on their webstore.

Forge World just revealed the next wave of pre-orders this week for LOTR, Necromunda, and Blood Bowl. Will you be ordering any of these for the holiday season?

Denethor & Irolas $31

denethor & irolas

Although he was once a great man and has ruled Gondor for many years, Denethor’s mind has been shattered by the loss of his beloved son Boromir. In the face of endless war, and with Sauron’s dread legions upon his own doorstep, Denethor abandons all reason and opts to join the heathen kings of old, attempting to burn himself and Faramir atop a pyre.

Irolas is a Captain of the Citadel Guard who defended the uppermost level of the White City and guarded the Warden himself. When Faramir was returned wounded to the city, Irolas was among those who watched over the Warden’s son.


Add these two characters to your Minas Tirith army. One being the ruler of Gondor and the other, the Captain of the Citadel Guard.

Blood Bowl Orc Team Booster $39

blood bowl orc team booster

blood bowl orc

This Orc kit has four minis available to add more variation and flair to your team. It comes with one thrower, one Blitzer, and two Black Orcs. Get to Krumpin’ in style bt adding this booster to your team ya Git!

Necromunda Cawdor Weapon Set 1 $25

cawdor weapon set 1

Given the poverty that grips House Cawdor, most of the House’s allied gangs favour simple and effective weaponry; the battered autogun, the trusty stub gun and the rusty knife are all good enough for a Cawdor ganger.

In fact, Cawdor gangs have a special talent for restoring discarded guns and blades, scraping together a working weapon from the parts of several others or making a new weapon onto which they can painstakingly carve the scriptures of their faith.

cawdor weapon set 2

This supplement kit comes with 31 resin bits making:

  • 1x Long Rifle
  • 2x Axes
  • 1x Shock Baton
  • 1x Heavy Flamer
  • 1x Two-handed Flamer
  • 1x Flamer
  • 1x Reclaimed autopistol
  • 2x Fighting Knives
  • 1x Hand Flamer
  • 1x Chain Glaive
  • 3x Stubgun
  • 1x Maul
  • 1x Sawn-off Shotgun

Necromunda Cawdor Weapon Set 2 $25

cawdor weapon set 2


cawdor weapon set 3

This set contains 27 resin bits for the Cawdor gang:

  • 1x Heavy Stubber
  • 1x Two-handed Axe
  • 3x Reclaimed Autopistols
  • 1x Sawn-off Shotgun
  • 3x Mauls
  • 2x Hand Flamers
  • 1x Chaing Glaive
  • 2x Axes
  • 1x Incendiary Charge
  • 1x Flamer
  • 1x Fighting Knife
  • 1x Combi-Autogun/Flamer
  • 1x Flail

Well, there you have it. Forge World latest pre-orders are scheduled to ship December 14, 2018. The holidays are right around the corner so don’t delay making a move on their latest releases!

What do you think about Cawdor’s weapon sets? Which one fits your playstyle more? Will you be boosting your Orcs with the supplement kit? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.