New Blood Bowl, & Necromunda Next Week’s GW Releases REVEALED

Nurgle Blood Bowl

Forge World has more in store for us coming next week. Check out what’s on the way to Blood Bowl and Necromunda and let us know what you’re grabbing!

If you wanted to keep your eyes on the horizon, it looks like we’ve got Blood Bowl and Necromunda releases heading our way over the course of the next few weeks. Coming from Warhammer Community: 

Blood Bowl Releases

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Halflings are going to start making their way onto the field with twelve total players. From what we’ve been hearing, it’s going to take a lot of work to pull out a victory for these guys. How good of a coach are you?

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Alongside the team, you’ll also be able to pick up a Halfling-themed pitch, team cards, lucky dice* and issue five of the Spike! Journal, featuring all of the rules you need to get your Halflings playing Blood Bowl.

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Halfling Blood Bowl Dice

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Halfling Blood Bowl Player Cards

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Spike! Magazine Issue #5

Made To Order: One Week Only

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Some classic Made to Order models are coming back to the Halfling team as well. Rock the Treeman and Hot-Pot to flex the classic minis from back in the day.

What’s Next For Necromunda

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Two infamous Bounty Hunters return to Necromunda, men whose legendary adventures have inspired many an underhive folk tale, men who have had nearly as many aliases as they’ve had hot rat kebabs. Yes, Kal Jericho and his trusted sidekick Scabs are coming back!

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Kal Jericho is going to be a character that you don’t want to mess with one on one. He’s armed with two Hotshot Laspistols and a saber which is some pretty decent equipment all on one guy in Necromunda.

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No hero is complete without his trusty sidekick either. Scabs can lay down some fire with plasma and stub gun while Kal gets within range of his saber to finish the opponent off. Will you be bringing this duo along with the rest of your gang once they come out?

How do you think the Halflings are going to perform on the tabletop against other teams? What gang do you play in Necromunda? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.