New Warhammer Fest 2019 Space Marines & FW Exclusives SPOTTED!

RUMORS: Next Space Marine Chapter Codex Named White Scars

More new Spaces Marines and exclusives for Warhammer Fest 2019 have been spotted! Take a look at what’s coming this weekend.

Coming from Hobby Hero Garro who took pics of these minis during FW’s orange box stream, we’ve got a bunch of new models to sink our teeth in to.

Exclusives at Warhammer Fest 2019

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While Lieutenant Amulus was first available at 2019’s Adepticon, he’ll be coming back along with a Land Raider and Rhino at Warhammer Fest. If you missed him at Adepticon, you’re getting another chance to get this guy!

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As for 30k, a Traitor Librarian and named Custode will be available for fans. While Custodes may have gotten nerfed a little bit in 30k, they’re definitely a still a force to be reckoned with and will make the Emperor proud with Ixion Hale at the helm of your force.

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Finally, metal objective tokens will be for sale for you to throw on your tabletops once you get back home! Now let’s take a look at some of what was spotted from the Forge World Team on stream:

Ebon Keshig Terminators & Leviathan Dreadnought

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These are the White Scar’s Horus Heresy Ebon Keshig Terminators that we first saw previewed in a powerpoint slide a while back. However, this is the first time we’ve seen them painted up and they look phenomenal.

WS leviathan

Blood Angels Chapter Master Raldoron


In the same vein as the White Scars, Chapter Master Raldoron was seen cleaning his blade after severing the arm of a Daemon.

 Horus Heresy New Knights Spotted

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Looking like a 30k’d-out version of an Armiger, this guy has some kind of Vulkite cannon and massive claw. Going purely off looks, we feel like he’ll be a real threat to infantry at-range as well as pretty dangerous up close against other vehicles thanks to his claw. Like Armigers in 40k, they get even better when they travel in groups.

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Another pic of this guy was spotted with two completely different weapon options as well.

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We’re also seeing the Knight Asterius for the first time as an actual painted up model. He’s an Acastus-class Knight and decked out with massive lasers that the Mechanicum thought was a good idea for him to have two of.

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Just for scaling comparison, you can see the Armiger next to the massive Mechanicum transport, the Ordinatus and a White Scars Praetor.

Ordinatus Aktaeus & Dreadnought Drop Pod

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Speaking of the Ordinatus Aktaeus, it looks like it’ll be at the event as well!

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As for adding some mobility to your force, the Lucius Dreadnought drop pod is coming back! While Deepstriking may not be a huge deal in 8th edition 40k, it’s a fast and threatening tactic in Horus Heresy.

LOTR, Blood Bowl & Necromunda Minis

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Meanwhile, Lord of the Rings is getting a new character and will be fighting back the Orcish hordes.

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As for Blood Bowl, they look to be getting two new characters. One being some kind of minotaur and the other a Treefolk. Going purely off the model, he looks like a really twisted version of a Sylvaneth character.

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The Cawdor Gang is getting a new character that looks like a fanatical two-handed threat to deal with. While some of Cawdor’s means of combat are wacky (we’re looking at your exploding rats), this guy looks like a Necromunda version of the Master of Executions in 40k.

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Ragnir Gunnstein, another Squat has been spotted finally in his painted up form and we’re sure there will be tons of fans out there that can’t wait to pick this guy up.

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Finally, a couple of new models for your Hangers On can be fielded and Forge World made some unique-looking models for you. While you can make them look however you want, they wanted to offer these to you just in case you didn’t have much of a hand in conversions!

What are your thoughts on everything coming to Horus Heresy and Necromunda? What is at the top of your buy list? Will you be making it to Warhammer Fest this weekend? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.