There are good hobbits and bad hobbits… and this week there are lots of hobbits! Check out all those new minis and more for Adeptus Titanicus and Blood Bowl alike!
Whatever you’re into Games Workshop has lots of new things coming out next week! According to Warhammer Community, there is something for everyone next week:
Everything is available to pre-order from next weekend, and make sure you check back in throughout the week as we’ll be taking closer looks at the Sylvaneth, Wood Elves, Knight Porphyrion and the Scouring of the Shire.
Rumors of New Specialist Games Releases
We first brought you rumors of these releases here on Spikey Bits back on May 31, and now they are finally here!
As far as specialist games go, here’s what our source had to say is on the way for us this summer:
Wood Elves getting the full release treatment, plus Spike 6. The Shire is set to burn once more for the new system.
Lord of the Rings, Middle Earth Strategy Battle might be taking the fight to the Hobbits. Going off the name alone, it sounds like it might be an expansion introducing some iconic Hobbits to the battlefield.
Warhammer Community’s hobbit-hole kit that may have had something to do with this rumor as well.
Blood Bowl
Here come the Wood Elves!
For more lithe and graceful models, look to the gridiron! Fast and skillful, the Wood Elves are perfect for any Blood Bowl player who finds the High Elves too pretentious and the Dark Elves too shady. If you want to pull off the sort of plays that keep getting shown again and again on Cabalvision, this is the team that does it.
Full rules for using Wood Elves in Blood Bowl can be found in Issue 6 of Spike! Journal along with a look at their legendary Star Players, tactical guides and all of the usual fun features.
If you’re worried about what the Wood Elves will bring to the pitch, or if you’ve been struggling against better teams, then you need to grab some Inducements. The Blood Bowl Inducements pack includes 20 cards, a mix of universal and team-specific bonuses and a handy set of double-sided reference cards.
Adeptus Titanicus:
…while you can also show your support for Horus or the Emperor with these dice sets.
Whichever side of the divide you’re on, you’ll want to grab some Acastus Knights Porphyrion. Close in size to Scout Class Titans, their two twin magna lascannons will help you burn through enemy void shields in next to no time.
Here’s our exclusive pic of the new Knight upgrade sprue that is on the way, most likely around the same time as the Poryphion, and perhaps the new Reaver upgrades pictured as well.
Whether you love or hate Hobbits, the Scouring of the Shire will be right up your street. This expansion for the Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game features new profiles for a selection of Hobbits and Ruffians, updated army lists, 19 Narrative Play scenarios and much more.
Also coming are rereleases of a number of models that can be used in scenarios from the book – Bullroarer Took and Golfimbul fought each other at the Battle of Greenfields, Gandalf the Grey was a frequent visitor to the Shire and Bilbo Baggins is one of the most famous Hobbits of the Third, or any, Age. Finally, there’s a group of Ruffians to bolster Sharkey’s forces.
Have the new previews for Titanicus driven you to pick up the game? What is your favorite Blood Bowl team to use? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and get your free hobby updates each morning as well!