Assemble You Party – Dungeon Saga Has Returned!

By Zeb Barrett | March 15th, 2017 | Categories: Board Games, Mantic, Tabletop Gaming Products

dungeon saga

The exciting dungeon crawler, Dungeon Saga, has returned! Come see how to get your hands on it if you weren’t able to the first time around!

Don’t freak out if you weren’t able to pick up a copy of Dungeon Saga before because it has returned and is available for pre-order!

dungeon saga


dungeon saga

Over a thousand years ago, Valandor, the greatest known hero fell in battle, fighting to protect the lives of those around him. From shore to shore, all owe thanks to his wondrous legacy. Now, sacred sites across the land have been defiled and plundered by the disgraced wizard Mortibris, who along with his vile undead minions will stop at nothing to obtain the secrets of Valandor’s power. Only the bravest heroes dare oppose him. Thrown together from the far corners of the realm, they step boldly into the depths, ready to face whatever foul evil awaits them…

Hero, your quest begins here!

dungeon saga

Embark on a fantasy adventure for up to 5 players with the Dungeon Saga board game. With highly detailed game-pieces and learn-as-you-play rules, this set contains everything you need to transform your tabletop into a deep and immersive world of heroes and monsters. Play a single game in just 30 minutes, or combine the carefully composed adventures for countless hours of classic quest gameplay:

  • Epic, story-driven campaign
  • Classic quest atmosphere
  • Easy rules you can learn as you play
  • Characters that develop as the adventure unfolds
  • Beautifully illustrated 3D dungeons with doors, barrels, bookcases and more!
  • 26 detailed and fully assembled miniatures in coloured plastic
  • Evocative ‘ancient tome’ packaging in a protective sleeve

One player takes the part of the evil dungeon overlord with the forces of evil at his command, and the others divide the mighty heroes between them. Each hero has strengths and weaknesses and teamwork is the key: The mighty barbarian can slaughter many foes at a time, yet he is lightly armoured and vulnerable to strong enemies. The Dwarf, on the other hand, is steadier as his thick armour can resist most attacks. The Elf is not as skilled a fighter as either of these, instead preferring to stay at a distance where her finely-honed archery skills can best be used. Finally, there is the wizard -the others may laugh at his lack of fighting skill, yet it is often his magic that carries the day. If the others can keep him alive, that is.

dungeon saga

This core set will be supported with a raft of expansion products as time goes on, adding new challenges and game modes to your Dungeon Saga. The first of these will be Adventurer’s Companion which will add an AI system for solo and fully co-operative play, the ability to create unique characters from scratch using any model in your collection, the tools you need to design your own dungeons and much more!

When the fate of the world hangs in the balance, which part will you play in the epic Dungeon Saga?

dungeon saga

The Dungeon Saga Adventure Begins Here! The Dwarf King’s Quest Core Game is packaged in a box designed to look like an ancient magical artefact, and includes:

All of the rules to play Dungeon Saga:

  • 8-Page Step-by-step Quick Start guide
  • 24-Page Dungeon Saga Rulebook
  • 32-Page Dungeon Saga Quest Book

26 Battle-ready Coloured Plastic Miniatures – no assembly required!

  • Orlaf the Barbarian
  • Rordin the Dwarf Fighter
  • Madriga the Elven Ranger
  • Danor the Human Wizard
  • Mortibris the Necromancer
  • Elshara the Elven Banshee
  • Grund the Undead Dwarf King
  • Hoggar the Undead Zombie Troll Shaman
  • 4 Skeleton Warriors in two different poses
  • 4 Zombies in two different poses
  • 2 Skeleton Archers
  • 2 Basilean Armoured Zombies
  • 2 Ghosts
  • 2 Dwarf Revenants
  • 2 Zombie Trolls

A Fully Interactive 3D Dungeon:

  • 33 double-sided Dungeon Room and Corridor Tiles made of thick card.
  • 50 clear plastic clips to hold your dungeon together

10 plastic Dungeon Doors:

  • 6 Small Doors
  • 2 Small Portcullises
  • 2 Double Doors

22 pieces of plastic Dungeon furniture, including:

  • 4 Treasure Chests with Lids
  • 4 Barrels
  • 2 Tables
  • 1 Bookcase
  • 1 Sorcerer’s Cabinet
  • 1 Well
  • 1 Lectern with Book
  • 1 Throne
  • 1 Tomb
  • 1 Weapon Rack

Everything you need to play:

  • 8 double-sided Character Cards for your heroes and villains
  • 1 Overlord Panel for the Necromancer player
  • 6 Bone-coloured Overlord dice
  • 6 Blue-coloured Hero Dice
  • 22 Overlord Command Cards
  • 9 Minor Spell Cards
  • 12 Major Spell Cards
  • 27 Magic Item Cards
  • 8 Ability Cards
  • 1 Long Range Ruler
  • 1 Short Range Ruler
  • 24 Wound Counters
  • 4 Hero Counters
  • 24 Piles of Bones
  • 6 Weak Point Counters
  • 1 Cave In Counters
  • 3 Petty Magic Spell Effect Counters
  • 1 Geomancy Spell Effect Counter
  • 1 Sorcery Spell Effect Counter
  • 4 Necromancy Spell Effect Counters
  • 1 You are in my Power Counter
  • 16 Experience Counters
  • 1 Banshee Heart in 4 Pieces
  • 15 Door Counters

All miniatures are supplied assembled and unpainted.

Head over to Mantic Games and pre-order your copy of Dungeon Saga: The Dwarf King’s Quest today!