Infinity Deathmatch: TAG Raid Kickstarter Funded!

By Guest Author | November 5th, 2021 | Categories: Board Games, Infinity, Warhammer 40k Rumors

Infinity Deathmatch TAG Raid MegaBeastThe new Infinity TAG Raid Kickstarter has gone live, and it’s already funded! Check out all the details on the project now.

Corvus Beli has been putting out a ton of new minis for Infinity lately, but that wasn’t enough for them! The new TAG raid uses big minis and is similar in style to their Defiance board game.

If you want to see more of their normal Infinity releases, we got all the info right here.

Infinity Deathmatch TAG Raid Kickstarter: 120 Euro (About $140- Funded)

Infinity Deathmatch TAG Raid Core Pledge

Infinity Deathmatch: TAG Raid is a 2-to-4-player game with miniatures that recreates skirmishes and multiplayer combat in the Infinity Universe, a science-fiction, high-tech universe that portrays an exciting, action-packed near-future setting with manga aesthetics. 


Infinity Deathmatch TAG Raid Prospecting Crew Models


Infinity Deathmatch TAG Raid MegaBeast Models

MegaBeasts are massive creatures native to this area whose evolution has been affected by the electromagnetic charges that saturate their environment. Their extremely aggressive behavior and their large size make them a deadly threat to prospectors.

Plus the following amazing unlocks and stretch goals met by the community like Engineers. These models are new to TAG Raid and are included at no additional cost to anyone who pledged the core box since it’s already funded.

TAG Raid Sterling Forge EngineerTAG Raid Rocaworks Engineer

How do engineers work in TAG Raid? Well, these miners are basically in charge of supporting the rest of the crew, by spending actions to heal a wounded TAG or removing negative states from your troops. Sounds incredibly useful, don’t you think?

Support for the Supporters! That’s all the updates we have right now. Be sure to keep up with TAG Raid on Kickstarter as we’re sure there have already been more unlocked.

Pledge TAG Raid Kickstarter Here