Light Up the Night Sky With Fireworks Board Game

By Christopher Guyton | December 5th, 2018 | Categories: Board Game Reviews, Board Games

If you’re looking for a lightweight board game with vibrant colors and artwork then look no further. Fireworks is a blast, and they have cats too!

Fireworks is a 2-4 player dexterity game designed by Aza Chen. Published by Renegade Games, this game plays in roughly twenty minutes.

Fireworks: $25.00

Get yours for less at Miniature Market


In Fireworks, players take turns launching the fireworks die into the starry sky box, trying to flip fireworks tiles face up. On your turn, you get to take face-up tiles, placing them on your city board to form specific formations. When one player fills up their entire board, the end of the game is triggered and whoever has the best fireworks display wins!

Ages: 6+
Players: 2-4
Game Length: 20 minutes

Light Up the Night Sky With Fireworks Board Game

In Fireworks you play as one of 6 cats (and one dog) trying to become a master fireworks launcher. Each player is given a city skyline where they place firework tiles they gain to create various shapes. The tiles are placed facedown inside the box which acts as the starry sky.

Then they launch the dice from the firework tube and try to flip over the tiles.  Any that flip may be taken away based on the side of the dice and placed into their city skyline.


The tiles come in a variety of colors and shapes. You can create small or large fireworks or even Saturns and kaleidoscopes. There are even special bonus tiles that are just shapes, such as a smiley face that can be scored via set collection.


Being a dexterity game there is some luck and skill involved. Sometimes you won’t flip any tiles which doesn’t mean your turn is quite over. You may make a second attempt to gain fireworks, however, you have to draw a special action card. These cards change how you must launch the dice. Most of these are goofy and some may take people out of their comfort zones.

I’d recommend taking some of these cards out or mainly use them for couples or close friends. The reason for that is some of the cards require you to make close contact with one another. For example,  you place the dice between two players foreheads and drop from there.


Fireworks caught my eye due to its curious box cover and art. I tend to gravitate toward games with beautiful artwork so I gave this one a shot. What I found was a fun party style dexterity and tile laying game. There are certainly moments of hilarity to be had here. Some of the action cards make for memorable moments.

This one was a hit or miss with some folks, however. Dexterity games aren’t everyone’s cup of tea. But I will say the set collection and tile laying will make most people overlook that mechanic.


Overall I give this game a thumbs up. I really enjoyed the set collection aspect. Making complete sets of fireworks was very satisfying. And the end result of your night sky was a beautiful kaleidoscope of color.

If your gaming group is in the market for something a little off the normal type of game then give this one a shot.

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