Rule The Sea in Conspiracy: Abyss Universe

Looking for a puzzler that will be sure to be a hit with your gaming group? Then prepare to rule the sea in Conspiracy: Abyss Universe.

Conspiracy: Abyss Universe is a new compact version of the popular game Abyss by Bruno Cathala and Charles Chevallier. This new game set in the Abyss world plays two to four players in about thirty minutes.

Conspiracy: Abyss Universe: $20.00

Get It For Less At Miniature Market


Conspiracy: Abyss Universe is a card game set in the world of Abyss.

Plots and corruption abound in the perpetual darkness of the Abyss kingdom’s deep waters. At the Oceanic Senate Assembly, you are at the very heart of this permanent battle for power. Your opponents conspire tirelessly to gain influence. In order to organize your Senatorial Chamber, you must rally the most powerful Lords before your opponents turn them away.

Can you elude the plots of your rivals to establish your empire and reign supreme over the Oceanic Senate Assembly?

Ages: 8+
Players: 2-4
Game Length: 30 minutes

Rule The Sea in Conspiracy: Abyss Universe

Each player in Conspiracy will be forming a council of lords in a reverse pyramid formation. You will be scored for the most influential lord of each guild, locations you control, the greatest coalition of lords of the same guild, and pearls you possess.


The gameplay for Conspiracy is very simple. You have one of two actions you can take. First, draw one to three lords and pick one to add to your council pyramid. The other two lords are put into discard piles sorted by color. The second action is to choose one of the discard piles and add all the lords there to your council.


When adding a lord to your council, if it’s the first of its color or becomes the highest influence of its color place a coat of arms on it. You will score this lord only for its color. You also score three points for each matching contiguous lord, which is a coalition. When placing lords you must go in order from left to right, top to bottom. So careful drafting and planning are necessary to make the best coalition.


In order to gain locations, some lords will have keys printed on them. Once you gain a second matching key or a third nonmatching you can take a location. You can choose either a face-up location or draw one to three and choose one making the others available faceup.  The location is placed on the lord with the activated key. This keeps track of used keys as no keys before a location count for anything.

ConspiracySome locations and lords give pearls. The player who at any moment has the most pearls is the pearl master. The pearl master will earn five bonus influence points at the game’s end.

The game ends once a player places their fifteenth lord and each other player takes one last action. The player with the most influence points wins.


Conspiracy: Abyss Universe is that same great Abyss flavor wrapped into a fun compact package. Definitely different enough to warrant owning both games as well. I definitely recommend this game. The gameplay is simple and presents a fun little puzzle as well. The artwork is beautiful and what we come to expect from the Abyss universe. Also just like its predecessor the game comes with five different covers featuring one of the five different guilds.

I definitely had a hard time choosing as my local shop got one of each. They are all stunning and gorgeous. The game itself comes in a tin box which may annoy some folks. I myself as not the biggest fan of tin boxes since one accidental ding will keep the lid from closing right. Other than that, it’s a fantastic product. I hope you get a chance to track this one down.

Whether or not you played the original, Conspiracy is sure to be a hit for your group.

Conspiracy: Abyss Universe: $20.00

Get It For Less At Miniature Market

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