Save Your Fellow Citizens: Atlantis Rising Board Game

By Christopher Guyton | May 14th, 2020 | Categories: Board Game Reviews, Board Games’s another gorgeous game with a fast pace to add to your game nights! Save your fellow citizens in Atlantis Rising Board Game!

Atlantis Rising is a one to seven-player game from designers Galen Ciscell and Brent Dickman. This new second edition is brought to us by publishers Elf Creek Games. First of all, I must say this newer version is absolutely stunning. The components and artwork by Vincent Dutrait are gorgeous. Even still there is an upgrade pack available with even cooler looking components.

Atlantis Rising: $65.00

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Atlantis Rising

The Atlanteans have built a glorious civilization, but a reliance on technology powered by mystic energy has caused them to turn away from the gods. The gods will not tolerate such hubris in mere mortals. Atlantis must be destroyed!

In this challenging cooperative game of survival, players are councilors who must use their followers, special powers, and ancient artifacts to escape Atlantis before it sinks beneath the waves.

Atlantis Rising uses an innovative method of simultaneous worker placement, asking you to plan together how to divide your workers among available action locations.

This edition contains all new art and graphic design, created to bring even more attention to the thematic setting of the game. The “Athenians Attack” phase has been replaced with the “Wrath of the Gods” phase, requiring more strategic planning and adding to the sense of urgency. Now, instead of placing workers in an Atlantean Navy, players must cooperatively decide to flood a set number of tiles at the end of each round. To further aid them in their task, Councilor player powers have been expanded and made more impactful, and the knowledge deck has similarly been revised and expanded. The variable gate components, once built, no longer offer one-time bonuses, but create new worker placement spots where players can send Atlantean workers to unleash actions to help save their island.


37 Island Tiles
45 Wooden Meeples
7 Wooden Player Markers
2 Custom Acrylic Meeples
6 Mystic Barriers
24 Mystic Energy
10 Councilor Player Boards
67 Misfortune Cards
33 Library Cards
21 Cosmic Gate Tiles
1 Wrath of the Gods Round Tracker & Token
1st Player Marker
52 Resource Tokens
1 Rulebook
2 Dice

Ages: 10+
Players: 1-7
Game Length: 60-120 minutes

Save Your Fellow Citizens: Atlantis Rising Board Game


In Atlantis Rising, you play as one of the leaders of the council tasked with coming up with a solution to save your society.  Atlantis is sinking and there is no saving it whatsoever. The solution involves their advanced technology as you decide to construct a stargate of sorts in order to allow civilization to escape.  This will require lots of teamwork and resources to build all the necessary components to construct the stargate and attain victory. Otherwise, you and your people will sink with the island into the unforgiving sea.

Atlantis Rising

While being a relatively difficult game to win, the gameplay itself is very easy to pick up on. Each player will assume the role of a council leader. They also each have one leader meeple and a few assistant meeples. Each leader has a useful ability that could sway the odds in your favor. The main island is made up of several peninsulas.

Each peninsula has some breakaway sections with worker placement spaces on them. Most of these peninsulas involve gathering resources such as gold, crystals, and Atlantium needed to construct the warp gate components. The library lets you gain cards that will greatly help your efforts. The towns recruit workers which is useful for making your turns more productive.

Atlantis Rising

After each player has placed their meeples but before actions are taken, a disaster card is drawn for every player. Most of the cards depict one of the various peninsulas. For each of these pictured a section of the peninsula is lost to the sea and removed. Any workers on the sinking sections are returned to the player and have to forfeit their action. This brings up a bit of push your luck.

You see the action spaces are ultimately the same on each individual peninsula. The catch is, the spaces yield better rewards toward the tips. While much stronger these spaces are quite dangerous as they are susceptible to the voracious sea.

Atlantis Rising

Once each component is completed the final step is to construct the gate itself. Each player must move their leader there and all players must contribute at least one resource to complete and win the game. Otherwise, if all the peninsulas sink and the final center island sinks, all is lost and the game ends in failure.

Atlantis Rising

Atlantis Rising is a fun and challenging game. It definitely requires everyone to work together to be successful. My favorite part is the fact that there are not really turns. All players just play simultaneously placing workers until it’s time for the disaster cards. Then all players call back their surviving workers and take their actions. This makes for a quicker more intense gameplay.

Atlantis Rising

I definitely recommend this game for your game nights. The gorgeous art and components complement the fast-paced gameplay. And if your up for a challenge this will satisfy that craving as well.

Plus the fact that it can play solo will be useful in this time of social distancing. I hope you can check this awesome title out!

Atlantis Rising Board Game: $65.00

Get It For Less At Miniature Market

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