Thanos Rises In Avengers Infinity War Board Game

By Christopher Guyton | October 22nd, 2018 | Categories: Board Game Reviews, Board Games, Product Review


Thanos Rising is a great game to get the hype train rolling for Avengers: Infinity War. Come take a look at the newest board game for the venerable Marvel franchise.

Thanos Rising: Avengers Infinity War is a new board game based on the Marvel Cinematic Universe movie Avengers: Infinity War.  Designed by Andrew Wolf and published by USAopoly.  The game plays 2-4 players and game time is roughly 60-90 minutes.

In Thanos Rising you play as one of four teams charged with defending Earth against the villain Thanos who is out to collect the six Infinity Stones.  All players are working together cooperatively in order to recruit more heroes to bolster their teams and defeat a set number of villains in order to win.

The number of villains required to defeat can range in difficulty from seven to all ten villains in the deck Thanos wins if he manages to collect all six Infinity Stones, defeat ten heroes, or wipe out one of the player’s teams completely.

A turn begins with players deploying to one of three sectors in order to fight villains or recruit heroes in that zone.  Then you roll the scheme dice for Thanos which will give him a gem counter toward collecting a stone and rotate him to another sector or activate all sectors. He will attack all heroes in his zone to include the active player’s heroes if they deployed into that zone.  Then all villains in his zone will activate.  Then the player will roll their dice in order to assign them to villains to defeat or heroes to recruit.  Each card will have symbols you have to match in order to get them.

thanos rising game

Play then goes from player to player until either the heroes win or Thanos wins and the heroes lose.  Being that this is a cooperative game typically means it is by nature very hard.  If you don’t work together and recruit the correct heroes for your team it will definitely be an uphill battle.  Not to mention with dice and having to roll specific things adds that element of luck which may or may not be forgiving.

This game has been a huge hit for my playgroup as most of us are fans of the Marvel franchises.  The gameplay is also so much fun which is a huge bonus.  We have had a few games which were so intense and very close in fact I was sure we had lost our first game but we snatched victory at the last moment!  Such a satisfying feeling to win under dire circumstances.

So, if you enjoy the Marvel films or even the comic books, then I highly recommend this game.  Not to mention it’s an easy to learn game with team building mechanisms that require you all to work together in order to win. And being able to adjust the difficulty based on your skill level is awesome as well.  So as your group gets better you can ramp up the difficulty.

Also, another note as of this article’s publish date, the Avengers: Infinity War movies is officially out!  So you can play this game and get more excited about the hit movie.

board game wrapper

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