Work Together to Save the Dinosaurs: S.O.S. Dino REVIEW

By Christopher Guyton | September 19th, 2019 | Categories: Board Game Reviews, Board Games, Product Review

SOS Dino board game

Bring your whole family together for a fun experience and work together to save the Dinosaurs from Lava and meteors in S.O.S Dino!

SOS Dino is a one to four-player cooperative game. The design team is Ludovic Maublanc and Théo Rivière, both well-known designers of many fantastic games. This game is part of the Loki games imprint of Iello Games and part of a new series of games specifically aimed at younger children.  

S.O.S Dino: $29.99

Get It For Less At Miniature Market

SOS Dino

You need to react, anticipate, and work together as a team to save the four dinosaurs in SOS Dino! Draw a tile, place it on the board, then move one of the dinosaurs closer to the safety of the mountains. Pay attention to lava and meteor showers!

4 Dinosaur Figurines
1 Gameboard
4 Volcanoes
4 Mountains
6 Dino Egg Tokens
9 Obstacles
1 Big Fabric Bag
58 Danger Tiles
1 Rulebook

Ages: 7+
Players: 1-4
Game Length: 25 minutes

Note: Published by LOKI; distributed by IELLO.

Work Together to Save the Dinosaurs: S.O.S. Dino REVIEW

In SOS Dino you are trying to help four adorable dinosaurs reach safety while rescuing as many eggs as you can. You have four volcanoes that are spewing lava in many directions. To add to the problems there are meteors crashing down around you as well. The board will be ever-shrinking as time goes on. There is a scoreboard that rates how well you did, based on how many of the dinosaurs and eggs you saved.

SOS Dino

Each player takes a tile from the bag and places it on the matching colored volcano. You have to extend a lava flow, otherwise, the volcano explodes and causes multiple lava flows. This will make your job much tougher. Once you place the lava tile you look to see what symbol it has. A volcano symbol makes you draw yet another tile. Paws allow you to move one of the four dinos. You can pick any Dino to move except the one whose color matches the pulled tile.

Another tile you may pull is a meteor. Each of these has a symbol that matches one depicted on the map.  If a Dino is on that space, well, unfortunately,  it’s eliminated. The meteor also has an action on it. You can pick any Dino and move them two spaces.

If any Dino moves into a nest space containing an egg, you pick it up and save it. If you manage to make it to one of the four corner tall mountains that Dino is safe.

The game ends once either all four Dinos make it to the mountains or the tiles run out. Then based on how many each of Dinos and eggs you saved shows how well you did. A perfect score is having saved all four Dinos and all six eggs.

SOS Dino

One thing I’ll say about this game. Despite the target age audience, this game was so much fun. Having played it with children, I value how this game promotes team building. It teaches them how to prioritize when to move certain Dinos and which eggs to go after and with whom. I myself had a blast playing and granted it was easier with our adult gaming experience. But the game did still have some dire “oh no” moments.

I highly recommend this game for groups of all ages. SOS Dino is a smash hit for families as well. If you or your friends have small children definitely check this one out. It will certainly bring your family together for a fun time.

board game wrapper

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