Is it time to port the Horus Heresy rules over to 8th Edition 40k? This is how GW could do it, and still keep the game intact and different from mainstream 40k.
Read MoreRules Conundrums
Whether they mean to or not, you’ve probably gone against an opponent who always forgets their rules. Here’s what you can do to help keep things moving…
Read MoreAre you playing these Age of Sigmar rules wrong? With the latest updates, there might be a bit of rules confusion over some finer points of the game.
Read MoreAre you playing these Warhammer 40k rules wrong? With all the changes there might be a bit of rules confusion over some newer points of the game.
Read MoreDo you know how shooting works in 8th Edition 40k? Which way is the “right way” to shoot? There is a new RAW vs. RAI debate in 40k right now, what side are you on?
Read MoreIs there already trouble brewing in the Traitor’s Hate Supplement? Come see the latest Rules Conundrum for Chaos & Warhammer 40k!
Read MoreThe Deathwatch got a lot of gear in their new book, but did you notice how one of their relics really works? Did the studio make a mistake on this one?
Read MoreDid ruin walls just become the most powerful thing in 40k? Depending on whom you ask they just did. Come see the issue now!
Read MoreCome see the psychic shenanigans that the Space Wolves may be able to do with psychic powers and multiple formations.
Read MoreCheckout the new “invincible” unit that you can make in 40k that’s making the rounds on the internet lately.
Read MoreHey GW, don’t forget Forge World Needs FAQ too! Come see our list of what may be the Top 4 things that need an FAQ for Warhammer 40k!
Read MoreHey GW, we’ve been writing these for years! Come see our list of what may be the top 10 things that need an FAQ for Warhammer 40k!
Read MoreCome see the current argument for the just who the heck Genestealer cults can ally with an why. This is turning into a circus..
Read MoreWhat the heck is going on with this printed ruling from Games Workshop about multiple rules versions of the same character in 40k?
Read MoreCome see the weird new conundrum that may let the Daemons pretty much break scoring objectives in games.
Read MoreCome see the crazy stuff that some folks are trying to do with Daemons from Curse of the Wulfen supplement, like get +4 to Seize the Initiative.
Read MoreCome see the crazy free upgrades you may be able to get for your vehicles by using the new formations from the Curse of the Wulfen supplement!
Read MoreIt looks like Games Workshop updated the Titan rules right underneath our noses, and we missed it! Come see the new rules for the God Engines!
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