Thousand Sons

Thousand Sons Articles, News, Rumors & Updates

Enter the arcane domain of the Thousand Sons, where you’ll find the latest updates on rules, model releases, point changes, and all the sorcerous might of this Warhammer 40k faction.

This is the place to uncover the secrets of their forbidden knowledge, from their warp-fueled psykers to the towering automatons of the Rubric Marines. The links below will guide you through updates on their mystical leaders, cursed warriors, and the eerie Daemonic entities that fight at their side.

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Led by the enigmatic Magnus the Red, the Thousand Sons are masters of the Warp, weaving devastating sorcery into every battle.

Stay informed about their sinister plans and the tales of their relentless quest for forbidden power in service to Tzeentch, the Changer of Ways.

Knowledge is power, and the Thousand Sons wield it like no other!