10 BIG Teasers & New Images For New Tzeentch Battletome

By Rob Baer | December 21st, 2016 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Chaos Space Marines, Warhammer 40k Rumors


Games Workshop just came in hot and dropped tons of new rules images and details for the next Age of Sigmar supplement : Disciples of Tzeentch.

Here’s the top news straight out of Nottingham from today’s Disciples of Tzeentch Twitch stream.

  • The New Supplement is 136 pages big, and covers everything Keyword: Tzeentch (Daemons, Mortals Etc)
  • This new Tzeentch release cycle will last “several weeks”
  • Points for all Units will be printed in the book itself, just as if they were in the Generals Handbook
  • This army rolls 9 nice at the start of any game, and then can use any of those dice in game as a valid dice roll
  • Two new lores of magic: Fate (mortals, followers) and Tzeentch (Daemons only)
  • The Gaunt Summoner has both key words so he can use both lores
  • Disciples of Change will feature Command Traits for each keyword inside of Tzeentch (see pictures below)
  • New Warscrolls and Battalions will be included in the book, with some previews below
  • Promises new and exciting hero phase play
  • Path to Glory Chart for Tzeentch will be included as well.

New Age of Sigmar Disciples of Tzeentch

And here’s all the great images and reveals:

disciples of tzeentch battletome

New Lord of Change on the way perhaps?

disciples of tzeentch battletome disciples of tzeentch battletome

disciples of tzeentch battletome disciples of tzeentch battletome

New Warscrolls Incoming!

disciples of tzeentch battletome

Path to Glory Chart, included.

disciples of tzeentch battletome

New Magic Lore

disciples of tzeentch battletomeThree Different Command Trait Chart
disciples of tzeentch battletome

disciples of tzeentch battletome

disciples of tzeentch battletome

New Command & Battle Traits

Checkout these images of those dual Tzaangor kits, mixed in with some new miniatures today from GW’s you tube 2017 preview video:

New Age of Sigmar Disciples of Tzeentch

New Multi-part Kairic Acolytes on the way?

New Age of Sigmar Disciples of Tzeentch

Dual Kit Tzaangors, and looks like we have some new Disc Riders as well!

And the Twitch outro seems to indicate a new Lord of Change as well:

Skip to 5:31 below:

Did the rumored Year Tzeentch just bridge TWO separate years OR is 2017 just the beginning? Checkout our roundup of all the rumors for everyone’s favorite bringers of change below:


Year of Tzeentch Roundup