A Psychic Awakening Rule We Need For Chaos

khorne daemonkin sm wal chaosIn a rising tide of new Space Marines and Eldar, Chaos could use some help rules-wise. Is this what the need most though from 40k Psychic Awakening?

With the support we’ve seen for Psychic Awakening so far, we’ve seen old models come from Finecast to plastic. Plus, two Aeldari characters are getting a full rework rules-wise and model-wise. So what could Chaos get next?

Psychic Awakening Support: Chaos Needs More Rerolls

Chaos Marines don’t have all the best rerolls in general. So could that be what they get next from the Psychic Awakening support?

abaddon chaos wal hor marine

As it stands, Abaddon is without a doubt the best reroll engine for Chaos. However, he’s Black Legion keyworded and takes up a hefty chunk of points. With that said, it’s obvious that Chaos needs some kind of Chapter Master-level unit to hit their ranks.

Chaos have always been more melee-inclined but that doesn’t mean that their shooting should suffer. Right now, if you want any real reroll in your army without dropping a ton of points on a unit, your best option is a simple Lord. Even Morty and Magnus only give rerolls of 1, booo!

You’d think that after 10,000+ years of fighting, there would be one or two warriors that would rise up and give a full reroll aura. While we look ahead for more Psychic Awakening previews across the factions, this is definitely something we can all hope for.

With the way the new Chapter Master rule works, they got A LOT better. They allow everyone to reroll all hit rolls within 6″. You don’t have to worry about any hit modifiers any more, making them a one-man valuetown for lists that have easy access to them.

The way things are looking, Chaos probably won’t be touched again until their turn in the Psychic Awakening spotlight rolls around. They just got a hefty load of brand new models including units like Abaddon and the Lord Discos.

What are you hoping to see Chaos get in their batch of Psychic Awakening support? Would you like a few named Sorcerers instead?

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