AoS Battle in The Badlands – Orruk vs. Nurgle


What happens when the unstoppable force meets the festering mass? Come see the Orruks take on Big Poppa Nurgle’s Daemons


The game is Blood and Glory and the goal is to hold the four objectives.


Turn 1

Rob: I didn’t do too much but move forward I’m trying to see how resilient these guys can really be with the re-rolling for ones from my formation plus they’re -1 to hit in combat as long as there’s 20 of them. -2 hit from shooting is also good but irrelevant here. I buffed up my left side in the hero phase, which stops them from having to take a battle shock test.


Felix: I roll such that only one group of brutes got an extra 10 inches while the other got 2, in the hero and run phases, so I opted to keep them close and maintain the mob rather than splitting up into different groups. In my opinion, the really strength of this Army is keeping the MSU’s close together for the purpose of waaagh!

Turn 2

Rob weighs his options and considers doing the mystic shield versus the arcane bolt. He opts to do the shield as the bolt is only going kill a single model and that’s if he manages a 5/6. As for movement he readjusts his plague bearers and drones to fill the gaps. Meanwhile, the drones hang out behind the front line and are still waiting to leap from after the battle.

Felix: I rush forward and I am able to get into combat. I buff up one unit to counter the flies’ debuff of -1. The unit does well but the other units don’t do much. The unit if plague bearers fester for another round.


Turn 3

Felix: I take the initiative on the roll off; I’m already in combat against a depleted enemy so there’s not much to do. In an effort to get my Oruuk’s out of the plague bearers’ quagmire I add in my third unit of brutes with a +1 buff and it chops up 6 plague bearers. Rob, during his activation throws in the Great Unclean One and his attacks quickly dispatch three brutes. The brutes however finish off the plague bearers to finish off my round.


The round now goes back to Rob and he rolls the Great Unclean One’s hero ability, Corpulent Mass, which regenerates two wounds. His other hero ability, “Rot, Glorious Rot,” fails to, well, rot. Rob weighs his options, he can either run the plague drones to the objective or stick them into combat. He attacks the brutes with missiles and prepares to charge them into combat because he couldn’t position them far enough away from the Orruks; his alternative route was to go all the way around the line but it was just too far. The combat phase is brutal for the Orruks and they find themselves 6 less Orruks.


Turn 4

Rob takes the initiative back, which was really critical and the plague drones fly towards the objective. Papa Nurgle kills an Ork with noxious bile and then activates his attacks. He takes another Ork with him and the plague bearers clean up the Brute Boss.


I get my war chanter into the plague drones and get two wounds onto a drone. The Gore Grunta’s stay locked in combat with the nurglings as they only take two down with their choppas. The brutes meanwhile rush towards the drones and manage to leap on one and bring it down while wounding another. The drones fight back and deal 6 wounds to the Warchanter.


Turn 5

The Orruks fail to seize the initiative and Rob keeps control of the game. The Great Unclean one aims for the Warchanter and kills him with a Plague wind. The drones opt to fly out of combat towards the objective and away from the Brutes.   The Great Unclean One then shoots his noxious bile at the warboss who doesn’t care about bile and saves with two sixes. Plague papa rushes toward the Warboss and deals 6 wounds on two d3 hits. The war boss only managed to put two wounds on the great unclean one.

In the following round, the Great Unclean One only manages one wound that the warboss endures and lives to fight back. On the return attack the Warboss unleashes his fury and deals 6 wounds in one turn.

Rob: At the end of the game, Nurgle emerges victorious with a minor victory, thanks to the plague drones running away from the Brutes.


Even thought the game ended, we did roll off the battle between the Great Unclean one and the Warboss. So who won? You’ll have to watch the video to find out.