AoS Gets Chaos FAQ & Warscrolls Update

fantasy walpaper1 khorne sigmar chaos warriorGames Workshop just revealed new Monsters of Chaos warscroll updates, as well as an updated FAQ’s for Chaos in Age of Sigmar.

It has been a great year for Chaos players in Age of Sigmar, and Games Workshop isn’t done yet. Today we’re getting a small update to the FAQ’s and thirteen updated Warscrolls to include the Monsters of Chaos keyword. Let’s see what they had to say and take a closer look at them.

Since the release of the General’s Handbook 2017, we’ve been listening to your feedback, and we’ve received a number of questions on how Chaos allegiance abilities work. We’d like to clarify that all references to ‘Blades of Khorne’, ‘Disciples of Tzeentch’, ‘Hosts of Slaanesh’ and ‘Nurgle Rotbringers’, are synonymous with ‘Khorne’, ‘Tzeentch’, ‘Slaanesh’ and ‘Nurgle’ respectively. For example, a Blades of Khorne army can also, and interchangeably, be referred to as a Khorne army.

In the nit picky realm of the internet we live in now and days it’s nice to see Games Workshop providing some clarity to get rid of the “grey areas” in the wording of their updates. If it has the faction in the name it applies to the entire faction, plain and simple.

The updated FAQ only had one new addition:

Grand Alliance Chaos FAQ

Chaos FAQ AoS

We’re seeing thirteen monsters getting the Monsters of Chaos keyword, the nine listed above and four more from the Forge World Monstrous Arcanum. You can download the new Monsters of Chaos warscrolls and Monstrous Arcanum by clicking on the link below.

Monsters of Chaos warscrolls and Monstrous Arcanum

Warpfire Dragon

The new update is making it easier than ever to include thirteen amazing Chaos monsters in your lists. Head on over to Games Workshop and check the new updates and find out what monsters now have the Monsters of Chaos keyword.

What do you think about the latest update for Chaos in Age of Sigmar? Are you going to be including any of the updated monsters in your army? Let us know in the comments below.

Death Guard

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