Cypheria The Fallen of Chaos: Grimskull Unboxing

cypher the fallen angel dark

Ever wondered if there could be female marines?  Well wonder no longer with Cypheria the Fallen Chaos Warrior from Grimskull miniatures!

Welcome back 40kmaniacs! Today Rob is unboxing some amazing new Cypheria the Fallen Chaos Warrior available at Wargame Exclusive’s store

The master sculptors over at GrimSkull miniatures have brought us another of their amazing pinup re-imaginings of famous Warhammer 40K characters.

This time its a female version of Lord Cypher master of the Fallen Angels and Friend/Foe of Chaos and Imperial alike!

Chaos Warrior Cypheria the Fallen 14.99

Cypheria Back

Slung across her back is the ever mysterious sword Cypher has never ever drawn!  Who that poor soul is strapped to the back of her armor we can only guess?

Packing a custom Plasma Pistol and Bolt Pistol combo, Cypheria is every bit as awesome as Cypher!



Check out the entire unboxing in the link below!

  • Cypher the Fallen alternate model!
  • High Quality Resin Sculpt!
  • Pinup Chaos girl!

You can purchase this awesome model here!