Don’t Over Look This – Secret Daemonkin Tech?



The Lord of Skulls may be the red headed step-child of Khorne, BUT now he may have the tools to be a SUPERSTAR. Come see what he brings to the table now.

The Lord of Skulls is a lot of points sure, but he can make them up quick with the two weapons equipped below. If you take him as part of a Blood Host, he can reap a ton of Blood Tithe as early as turn Two for an explosive mid to late game.

Via Knight 12 

Daemonkin, Chaos Allies 1850

Lord of Skulls  daemongore cannon, skull hurler

14 Flesh Hounds of Khorne

Chaos Lord on a Juggernaut, axe of Khorne, Sigil of Corruption, Blade of Endless Bloodshed, Melta Bombs.

3 Units of Cultists (for champions to turn into BIGGER things)

Ally Daemons

Lvl 3 Herald of Tzeentch, Exhalted Gift (Grimmore of True Names)

11 Pink Horrors

Early Turns –  summon and try to cast Curse Earth if available, Book the Lord of Skulls.

Scout the Hounds to protect him as well. Reap the blood harvest for a strong late game. You can also horseshoe surround high priority units with the hounds and wipe them out via a well placed tank shock from the Lord of Skulls (see the Crunch! special rule on page 92 BRB). This guy is HUGE, use it to your advantage.

That frees up the Lord of Skulls’ shooting for another phase of devastation.  This thing can literally kill things in EVERY PHASE of the game from movement, to shooting, to assault, the Lord of Skulls may just be well worth his points after all!

I’m a believer now!