Come see the breakdown on Chaos Age of Sigmar miniatures, from conversion ideas and even how to paint them in our Starter Set review!
Everyone’s talking all about the “good guy” Stormcast Sigmarine models, but what about these fantastic new Chaos sculpts?
The Chaos miniatures are just the tip of the new release iceburg for the forces of Chaos, as I’m sure well see multi-part kit versions in the coming weeks, just like we saw with the Stormcast Liberators.
I think it’s safe to say these are some of the most Chaotic miniature sculpts to date, and almost seem to leave us hungry for more…CHAOS!
Chaos Age of Sigmar Model Review
Check it all out in my video review below. If you love our videos, why not click HERE to SUBSCRIBE to our channel?
Episode 8 – How to Play Age of Sigmar Competitively