Well this may be a big wild goose chase, BUT take a look at this…
It’s been awhile since Games Workshop put out a Chaos Dreadnought. Heck Games Workshop didn’t even bother remaking the old one into Finecast yet.
So whats a Warmaster gotta to do to get some armored walker lovings around here (besides get one of these)?
Check this out…
On page 397 of the 6th Edition Rule book you’ll notice a neat little profile pic of a chaos dreadnought affectionately called The Hell Eater.
Now if you notice all the other profile pics on the page, pretty much depict their actual in game models, but this Dreadnought is way more ornate than anything out there currently. (see the FW model opposite)
One of our readers send me a picture of this in German (above), which loosely translates to the same thing (The Hell Eater).
Connecting more dots…
Remember that Chinese leak of the 6th Edition Starter Contents? Well guess what almost exactly matches up translation wise to The Hell Eater? Yup that’s right, the entry for the dreadnought rumored to be in the starter kit.
So if it really is that same particular named model (which rumor has it, the new starter has particular names for its’ bigger pieces this time), we’re in for our first new main line Chaos Dreadnought in like 15 years. And that thing looks AWESOME.
So what do you think all this means, besides me wasting my Saturday morning researching this of course?. -MBG