New Slaanesh 40k Daemon Points & Datasheets REVEALED!

Slaanesh's New 40k Rules, Stats & More REVEALED

GW just dropped all the new points costs for the Slaanesh Daemon release today. Come see what’s coming to matched play 40k!

Warhammer Community revealed a sheet of Slaanesh Matched Play Daemon points costs. Some of the details we already knew about. However, there’s still some info everyone should take a deeper look at.

Matched Play Slaanesh Daemon Points

slaanesh Daemons

Contorted Epitome



Going down the list, the Contorted Epitome is an HQ option clocking in at 195 points. We saw her stat sheet a while back but this is the first time we’ve got a point value. Nearly 200 points for a T5 8W 6+ sv model is a bit pricey, but this thing acts like a Daemon buffer and Psychic lynchpin. We’d have to see it played on the table for a few games before we say it’s an auto-include. 

Infernal Enrapturess

wrath and rapture 3

The Infernal Enrapturess is on the other end of the spectrum as far as points-cost goes sitting at 80. While we’re sure some of you have seen her statline that came with Wrath & Rapture, here’s her sheet just to make it easier on you. 

infernal enrapturess

At 80 points, we think she’s fair-costed. She’s only T3 and has a handful of wounds. Luckily, however, she’s protected by the character keyword. (While the Contorted Epitome is also protected by the character keyword, the Enrapturess is also much cheaper). The Enrapturess can still cause a bit of psychic disruption and has “alright” firepower for the points.

Keeper of Secrets

keeper of secrets

Finally, as for the Keeper of Secrets, both named and unnamed, they are definitely pricey. While their models look incredible and show off the very nature of Slaanesh, we feel like these guys might be getting bullied off the table.

At T7 and 16 wounds with a 6+ save, the Keeper of Secrets are just two squishy Dreadnoughts mashed together. Really, Dreadnoughts fall like flies in 8th edition and with the Keeper of Secrets being over 10 wounds, we feel like he’s just going to get blown apart by gunline armies first. 240-270 points is a steep price for such a squishy model.

Shalaxi Helbane (Named Keeper of Secrets)




Our first thought about this monster after seeing the weapon options, we thought she’d be a Primarch/Knight hunter. She has six attacks at S12, -4AP and 6 damage flat against characters. Primarchs (specifically Morty) are insanely hard to kill. any kind of wound you can get through is valuable and each one of Shalaxi’s is a whopping 6! Imagine getting this into combat with a character Castellan!

Shalaxi is especially unforgiving in combat as it’s is -1 to hit and wound for whatever is going toe to toe with it, plus with a built-in re-roll ones the hits should keep coming!  She also piles in 6″ towards a character if presented with one, and with her warlord trait, she will re-roll all hit and wounds against characters while in combat! 

Fiends of Slaanesh

fiends of slaanesh

With Fiends of Slaanesh being able to be brought in squads of nine, we think we may see them played. The only thing is that like all other Daemons besides Nurgle, their save is where they really lack. The Fiends are faster than most, however, and can really be a pain once they manage to tie something up in combat. We just feel like Slaanesh players need to be prepared to lose a few before they can make it into combat.

Most Promising: Syll’Eske, the Vengeful Allegiance

slaanesh model 1


We think that Syll’Eske is the most promising unit we’ve seen so far. The way his weapons work, you fight with one, pile in, and fight with the other. It essentially can chew through screens with an absurd about of -1 AP attacks, pile in, and then melt through armor with his 3 flat damage axe. He’s also got a 4+ armor save and a character keyword sitting at under 10 wounds. If you threw this guy in a gaggle of Plaguebearers, you’d definitely get to connect with him and mulch enemies in combat.

What do you think about Slaanesh’s point costs? How much do you think a Keeper of Secrets should cost points-wise? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.