Painting Chaos Black Legion: Tournament Ready Style

chaos black legion

Tune in for the best way to paint your Chaos Black Legion models to tournament standard level. Jack of Clubs Painting will make you rejoice for paint!

You’ve seen the first installment on how to paint your Black Legion miniatures, but now we are ready to go to the next level. These Chaos Space Marines will be up to a tournament standard style of painting. Jack of Clubs is ready to drop some more knowledge on how to get your models looking ready for tournament level play!

Black Legion

Although we’re painting up to a tournament standard, these are just basic troops, so the level of painting will be higher than tabletop. We also want to makes sure we get these models done and ready to play in a timely manner. The first step is to begin highlights on his brassy armor trim with Scale 75 Victorian Brass. This brings a shine back to the armor details. Brass is perfect for Heretic Astartes since it looks grimier than the pristine Loyalist Marines armor.

Black Legion

The next step is edge highlighting the black armor with Somber Grey by Vallejo. The technique is known as “half-assed dry-brushing” is where a detail brush is loaded with paint, and then dried enough to gently scrape along these edges of your model. This technique adds semi-dry pigment to lead to a very clean line that helps you avoid a splotchy edge highlight. Clean edge highlights are what we’re looking for.

Black Legion

Jack uses Light Umber from Pro Acryl to edge highlight the leather pieces. Pay special attention to his Bolt Pistol holster and leather belts. Weathering and edge highlights are the way to go on the leather pieces. These details make him look the part of a seasoned Veteran of the Long War.

Black LegionTo add a final piece of flair, the Chaos Star is filled in with some green paint to bring this model up to tournament standard!

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About the Author: Barclay Montgomery

I’m a weird guy wargamer and hobby enthusiast. I’m like the Thing, I can take many forms. I could be a bounty hunter looking for Rebel prey, a commander of an Imperial fleet, or the Hive Mind of the Great Devourer of Worlds.