RUMORS: Plastic Maloghurst & New Horus Heresy Starter Set

horus heresy wallpaperLots of rumors have been flying that the new Maloghurst miniature may be plastic, and part of a new Horus Heresy starter set that could be plastic as well.

The internet has been abuzz lately as the new Maloghurst model looks to have much more fiddly parts than usual resin, and could very well mean bigger things. 

One thing that this rumor has going for it is that GW never actually said the kit was going to be from Forge World, so there’s a chance this could actually be a plastic kit. This in turn means there’s a chance this could be the first mini for a new starter set for Horus Heresy.

horus heresy walpaperWhile we don’t really have a ton to go off yet, there are a few big keys leading to the possibility. First, the Legion dispatch is going to be an ongoing series, second, the mini really looks like it’s plastic, and third, they haven’t had a new starter or anything to really grow the game system in a long, long time.

Let’s check out what we know so far.

RUMORS: Plastic Maloghurst & New Horus Heresy Starter Set

MaloghurstWhen you compare this to other Forge World releases, it has a different feel than a lot of the resin minis. With all the small fiddly parts, like the chains, tubes, etc… Not exactly sure why, but everything about the mini just screams plastic. Also, in the article, they never say this is going to be actually from Forge World, which begs the question, could this mean a full kit from GW?

Could a New Starter Set be Coming?

mk iii marineThe previous starter set, Prospero Burns sold for $150 and came out in late 2016, nearly 5 years ago!

Considering they are basically two editions behind 40k in terms of rules, the timing is right to give the game a revamp. But some people love the idea that it’s a much different ruleset. Since the Legion dispatch is going to be an ongoing series, it would make sense for them to introduce a bunch of new minis, then release them all at the same time.

Industry insiders have been telling us here at Spikey Bits that something “very cool is on the horizon” for Horus Heresy, but with all the external factors affecting product releases worldwide, it’s hard to even say when we may see it.

Traditionally GW releases new big-box game starters for sci-fi lines around Black Friday in November, just like with the last two HH box sets. So perhaps all this is a build-up to either a summer or late fall release in 2021.

Again, this is all conjecture, but it would be great to see something like this to bring in new players and revamp the game all at once.

Do you think this will be a plastic mini, would you like to see a new Horus Heresy starter set?

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