Top 3 40k Homebrew Army Lists That Surprised the Meta

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Sisters??? Check out the latest top homebrew 40k armies out there. More and more people are running their own flavors and aren’t doing so bad!

8th edition’s meta may be sitting a tad still right now with Chaos soup reigning supreme. However, there are some players out there that like to try something new. These lists are homebrews that actually managed to do pretty well at their tournaments recently.

Warzone Mann: Adepta Sororitas Soup- Alex Heap

Sisters of Battle Cover Img


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Soup is almost inescapable these days. But this list ran some really unique unit options. Nearly half of this list was spent on a Sisters of Battle detachment with Celestine leading the charge. Repressors are souped-up Rhinos that look to be loaded up with melta-Sisters and hurled towards the enemy. After these girls popped out, they could put a real hurtin’ on anything within range. The single Immolater provided some decent backfield firing support while Celestine and the rest of her force moved up.

Next was a smaller Deathwatch Battalion with two squads of five bare-bones Intercessors. However, one decked-out squad of Veterans really brought the heat with Storm Bolters, Storm Shields, and Terminators.

Finally, for some extra CP and tabletop presence, a Battalion of Blood Angels was brought along. The Scout’s main jobs were to start the game already in the middle of the board and hopefully sitting on objectives. That bought the player enough time for the rest of his force to react. Speaking of the rest of his force, the classic Smash Captain insurance policy and Mephiston stepped out to play and we all know how good they are! A single CP was also spent for the option to take any Assassin in the list that would help counter whichever army they were going up against.

Overall, this list ran some faction archetypes that we’ve seen time and time again. But it was very interesting to see almost half of the list dedicated solely towards Sisters of Battle. Plus, coming in 3rd place definitely means you’re on to something!

Allies of Convenience GT: Deathwatch & Blood Angels- Josh Roberts

Deathwatch primaris


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We’ve got another soup list on our hands similar to the first in terms of factions. However, some of the unit options are totally different. This player finished fairly well coming in 11th place when it was all said and done. So with that, his list mainly capitalized on what the Deathwatch had to offer. A Battalion of Veterans geared with Terminators, Storm Shields, and Power Mauls were thrown onto the field with some insane staying power. A smalls quad of bikes was taken just to nab some objectives from the enemy and a Battalion of Blood Angels were taken for support.

The main power out of the Blood Angels definitely came out of the characters. With two Smash Captains and a pseudo-Smash Captain (Librarian Dread), these guys cleared out any enemies that were giving the Veteran units a hard time.

This list also brought not one, not two, but all four Assassins in an Execution Force formation! This is the first time we’ve seen one of these fielded as most people go with the cheaper 1CP/85 pt. option to cherry pick one for each game. All in all, great job!

Cleveland Chainsword Champs: Chaos- Bill Kim

Ahriman The Exile


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This list kept roughly the same character frame from what we’ve been seeing in other Chaos lists. However, quite a few interesting units were substituted in. The first detachment was a Battalion led by Ahriman. Two fatty squads of Tzaangors and a cheap Cultist unit made up the troops while a C-Beam Contemptor stayed back and unleashed laser-pointer hell on the enemy. A Hellforged Scorpius filled the Heavy support slot which we think could be the first time one of these has popped up in a competitive list!

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As for the other detachment, the classic Plaguebearer, Bloodletter bombs were taken with a single Nurgling Swarm to help grab objectives that might have been up the field.

The key differences about this list lie in the fact that it swapped out a unit of Plaguebearers and Horrors for two squads of Tzaangors. Tzaangors can mulch Infantry like no other Daemon unit in the game and were able to open up a hole perfect for the Bloodletters to get through and melt the stuff with a higher armor save. Great job finishing 6th with this list!

What do you think about these army compositions? Do you run Sisters in your list? Will Ahriman ever be replaced by another Chaos Psyker? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and sign up to get your free hobby updates newsletter each morning as well!