New Titanicus, LoTR & Hobby Releases: GW Black Friday

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Games Workshop has a new Hobby Box, Warlord Titan, Cerastus Knights, and Middle Earth coming your way for Black Friday Weekend!

Check out several new pre-orders coming at you from Games Workshop next week!

GW wants you to be organized so you can hobby your heart out! That and new champions of Middle-earth that rival what GW is calling the “smallest Ceratus Knights you’ve ever seen” are coming your way for pre-order next week! Take a look!

With so many new models out in the past year, we reckon your work desk has more than a few projects on the go. For all the fancy painting tricks in the world, nothing helps you work through your painting backlog quite like some planning and organisation.

To help you make some space ahead of Christmas and keep your personal hobby in order, we’re very excited to announce our new range of project boxes and paint racks.

project box

The new project boxes are available in two sizes, and each has been designed to hold all the paints, brushes and other stuff you’ll need for whatever you’re currently working on – like a rolled-up painting mat, for instance. As well as being stackable (ideal if you’ve got loads of paints to store!), these all fit inside our larger figure cases, so you’ll be able to transport them in safety alongside your models!

project box

Each project box comes packed with our new paint racking system, which is pretty cool in its own right! This new, modular set of paint racks is organised into interlocking hexagonal hives that store 21 paints each, making them great for grouping the key paints you’re using on a particular project. Each can be fitted with feet to stand on your desk or can be screwed into your walls via the holes on each rack. If you just want to get these paint racks on their own and don’t need any more project boxes, good news – they’ll be available on their own, too.

paint rack

If you can’t wait to get your hands on some project boxes and paint racks before they go on pre-order next week, you can actually grab them now – each of this year’s bumper paint sets is bundled with one. Painting has never been so manageable…

From a significant other’s point-of-view, these racks look like a great idea for containing the hobbyist’s collection of paints and gadgets. They seem to be like shoes, you can never have enough.

Next up: Adeptus Titanicus and the teeny, tiny Cerastus Knights. GW has these new war machines ready for you to add into your army next week.

Cerastus Knights are a favourite among Warhammer 40,000 fans, and for good reason, with their towering profile and unique loadouts making them a common sight in Imperial Knight armies. Next week, one of the most popular Ceratus Knights will be charging into the fray in Adeptus Titanicus, with a new boxed set containing two Knight Lancers! What could be more magnificently awesome than a banner of Knights riding full tilt at a Battle Titan, attempting to bring it down with (admittedly very large) lances?

Well, maybe one thing – a Warlord Titan wielding a power fist the size of an Imperial Knight. Next week also heralds a new Warlord Titan kit with a fresh set of loadout options, including carapace-mounted laser blasters, a pair of Sunfury plasma annihilators and, yes, an Arioch Titan power claw. Whether you’re looking for new tactical options for your battle maniple or just want to punch other Titans in the face, this kit is a must-have! Don’t worry if you’re looking to get the weapons from this kit separately – we’ll be making them available in time too.

You’ll be thrilled to learn GW is also releasing a new round of heroes from Middle-earth! First up: Gandalf the White and Peregrin Took!
gandalf pippin
gandalf pippin horse

What’s more, if you haven’t grabbed your copy of Battle for Pelennor Fields yet but still want to get your hands on the awesome new Théoden King of Rohan model, he’ll be available separately very soon. Similarly, Legolas Greenleaf and Tauriel are now packed together (and will save you some money compared to getting them separately):

legolas and tauriel

You’ll also be able to grab a couple of new dice sets designed after Théoden and Gandalf – cracking for keeping track of your Might, Will and Fate points or making particularly important rolls!

There’s more! Next week sees Armies of The Hobbit™ go on pre-order. This massive sourcebook contains over 120 profiles and 20 army lists that let you field your favourite heroes, villains and armies from the time of the Battle of Five Armies. Tomorrow, we’ll be previewing this book in detail right here, so keep an eye out!

Now if you didn’t find something for your holiday wish list after all of that- you’re not trying hard enough. Just kidding! But, really, forward this one to your significant other!
All of this will be ready for pre-order next weekend. Which ones are you looking forward to the most?
Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.