The Biggest Titan Yet? – Warbringer Conversion Corner

By Joshua Dunkerly | January 13th, 2016 | Categories: Conversion Corner, Conversions, Titan


Before Forge World there was a different style of Warlord titan and you couldn’t buy it, you had to make one!!

Come checkout some sweetly converted models brought to us by those hobbiholics at Odin Shop, Odin Refit.


Yep he’s got a titan in his hand… oh lord.

Odin Refit 290609 (7)

Look at all those insects, oh wait they’re orks!!

This Week’s Top Conversion Corners

Interested in showing off your work on Spikey Bits?   We want those pics!  Hungry for more Conversions, and Hobby

Showcases? Checkout our Playlist below!