Bjorn in 5 Minutes – Conversion Corner

By Rob Baer | March 1st, 2015 | Categories: Conversion Corner, Conversions, Space Wolves

Space Wolves wolf thumb

Looking for some hobby inspiration? Come see an easy way to breathe some new life into that Space Marine Dreadnought lurking on your dusty shelf.

Joe Carlson sent me some pics of this super easy conversion he made from just a regular Space Marine Dreadnought he bought for $5. With a few extra bits, he turned it into a unique character model in no time!

What I like about it is that it’s deceptively simple, yet has depth to it.  At first glance you don’t see any green stuff or card, but it still has a lot of detail that makes this model very unique.

First off there is the traditional Space Wolf garb, which accents the model quite well- this is a Space Wolf vehicle. Then he added the Plasma Cannon arm that Bjorn fields.

But the best part to me is the simple Wolf Claw conversion. Would you believe those claws are the scythes form the Fantasy Zombie Regiment?

I love to see stuff like that, bits you would never expect to see, somewhere amazing. To me this is what the converting hobby is about, especially when something so basic is done so well! Kudos Joe.

If you click on the Conversion Corner label you’ll be able to scroll through some great looking conversions and more, all at once.


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