The Space Marines are some of the most powerful people in the galaxy, mainly due to the genetic mutations and superhuman strength.
Read MoreConversion Corner
Sometimes a Knight Titan gets corrupted and can not be left alone otherwise, it may fully turn into a chaotic mass of plague weapons.
Read MoreWhen you are a Sorcerer of the Thousand Sons you have many different weapons to choose from but most of the time you use the power of the Warp.
Read MoreThe Death Guard have many disgusting machines at there disposal. Most are confiscated from the enemy and corrupted for the plague father!
Read MoreThe Dark Angels have been around since the very beginning. Some things have changed but, not their devotion to the Emporer!
Read MoreWhen the Chaos Daemons of Nurgle corrupt someone they do it most utterly, I mean you can’t escape once your gut explodes!
Read MoreWhen there isn’t a Nurgle Warband in Warhammer Underworlds, then you just make your own. Chaos will recruit from anywhere!
Read MoreSomeKnight Titan pilots like to choose more unconventional weapons, but that does not make them any less deadly on the battlefield!
Read MoreThe Orks love a lot of different things, usually anything shiny or gold, but they would give 10 mouthfuls of teeth some shiny dakka!
Read MoreWhen the Chaos Dwarves wanna bombard the enemy they just find some old scrap metal and make themselves a new shelling device!
Read MoreThe Blood Angels are one of the Space Marine chapters that are always looking for new ways to bring the enemy to a decisive end as fast as possible!
Read MoreThe Orks will occasionally get their hands on something bigger then they intended, but they still use it to its fullest capacity!
Read MoreSome people call him the Cthulhu Marine but that’s probably not his real name, no one dare speak his true name from fear he will appear!
Read MoreThe Ork clans are truly master tinkerers, they can turn any old piece of junk into a full-blown war machine of death and mayhem!
Read MoreThe heroes of Nurgle don’t always look pretty, but they do always work hard to get the job done even though they are never in a hurry!
Read MoreThe Dwarves are known to build some of the weirdest things you have ever seen, like flying boats and even this steam tank!
Read MoreWhen a Titan falls to Chaos it’s both a sad and scary day, sad cause we lost another great warrior, scary cause now he wants to kill you!
Read MoreThe Thousand Sons have usually mutated a little more than the average Chaos follower, that’s what happens when your god is a God of Change!
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