Sandy Shelter: Conversion Corner

By Joshua Dunkerly | February 22nd, 2024 | Categories: Conversion Corner, Conversions

welcome to the desert we have no water or games 1

When you are hiding on a planet that is covered in sand, you may have to search for a while to find a good place to hunker down!

Here are the latest models from the community, brought to us by Marcus Muller (Der Muller Tabletop) on the Spikey Bits Hobbies Facebook Group.

I have a prime position!

welcome to the desert we have no water or games 3

My current project is coming around nicely I´d say… all building and detailing is done.

welcome to the desert we have no water or games 1

(even I am going to add a dome on each of the largest buildings, just have to get some…), next is priming, wich will be done today and hopefully I will be able to present the finished build by Friday.

welcome to the desert we have no water or games 2

“Get inside now, please!”

Interested in showing off your work on Spikey Bits, and seeing your name in lights? We want those pics!