Truly Brutal Marines: Conversion Corner

ba feature rThe Blood Angels are some of the most bloodthirsty marines, but even they don’t go as far as their successors the Flesh Tearers!

Here are the latest conversions from the community, brought to us by Spikey Bits Email Submitter Matt Miller.

Flesh Tearers!

Flesh Tearers

Huge fan of the Flesh Tearers. Gabriel Seth is awesome, but the sheer brutality of Nassir Amit is so over the top.

Flesh Tearers

Inspired by the Flesh of Cretacia book cover and I wanted to make a Nassir model.

Flesh Tearers

I got lucky as hell with bits going together so well and had to take some creative liberties, for things I just couldn’t source. BA Termi captain torso, heroes head, Tartaros chain fists, bits box storm bolters trimmed a lot, some aftermarket bits and other bits box stuff to flesh the lookout and as an interest to the base.

And yes I should have drilled the barrels, I was so into the build I just forgot and can’t bring myself to drill after painting It’s hands down my best model, build and paint.

“I will tear your flesh from the bone!”

Interested in showing off your work on Spikey Bits, and seeing your name in lights? We want those pics!