Want Plastic Sisters NOW? – The HOT Conversions


Why wait for Plastic Sisters from Games Workshop, when you can make your own? Checkout this awesome looking conversion that’s just a few internet clicks away…

Over on the BoLS Lounge  York Necromancer put two and two together and pretty much set the internet on fire this week with his conversionary creations!

Via York Necromancer:

“Now, this is NOT my conversion – I saw this on the Statuesque Models Facebook page. As you may know, I am a big fan of their Heroic Scale Heads  and have used them for my Imperial Guard, Marines, and Inquisition quite extensively:





Statuesque heads mixed with Cadians…

However, Dreamforge Games have just released the Valkir, which (as the picture below shows) combines very nicely with the Statuesque heads to give us finally, a credible plastic Sisters of Battle alternative.


Dreamforge Eisenkern Valkir Support Trooper

Dreamforge Eisenkern Valkir Heavy Trooper

Dreamforge Eisenkern Valkir Assault Trooper

So anyway, I’m totally sold on this conversion. I know there’s been a lot of talk of new SoB here, and that many of us are desperate for GW to show the Sororitas some love. This struck me as something the community might want to know about.”

Not convinced yet?  Take a look at these:



2015_02_11_19_11_28_by_yorknecromancer-d8hlbxv 2015_02_11_19_13_43_by_yorknecromancer-d8hlbxb

…and painted up.

YorkNecromancer’s Full conversion & Painting Thread

~Yep order yours now, Statuesque Models just posted on their Facebook that they are running low on those packs of heads!