If the Space Marines can’t kill something with their normal weapons then they ask if they can have better weapons, and usually, that ask is granted!
Here are the latest conversions from the community, brought to us by Spikey Bits Email Submitter David Fordyce IG: dice_airsoft.
Added a second main turret on top to attach the main Baneblade Cannon as a Quake Cannon, as well as the Shadowsword’s Volcano Cannon, and the Stormlord’s Vulcan Mega Bolter.
I’ve also scratch-built a Targeting Sponson, which if I recall correctly was an old Forgeworld exclusive that is no longer available or made. I call this variant the “DoomBlade” because that combination of words wasn’t taken yet!
“There is nowhere to hide from the DoomBlade!”
Interested in showing off your work on Spikey Bits, and seeing your name in lights? We want those pics!