The Space Wolves are some of the strongest Space Marines out there, mainly due to them living on a block of floating space ice!
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The Iron Warriors believe in iron within and iron without, basically meaning they strive to be the mighty Ironman we all know and love!
Read MoreDeath Guard forces are always marching on tireless legs, so if you think you’re going to outrun them think again. Oh, and plus they got this!
Read MoreThe Adeptus Mechanicus do not care about your puny weapons and tanks as they take the high road and control the machine spirits within!
Read MoreEver wonder what a Chapter Master would look like if they got the Primaris Treatment? Checkout Azrael as we’ve never seen him before!
Read MoreBefore the Tyranids show up to a world they send in the Genestealers to start preparing it for dinner! Have you ever seen one as a Carnifex?
Read MoreThe God Slaanesh may feel like she has been taking a back seat lately, but really her forces are just biding their time to hit them where it hurts!
Read MoreWhen the Tyranids finish consuming the biomass of a planet they then go about making massive changes to there DNA to adapt and overcome the next enemy.
Read MoreWhen you are an all mighty champion of Chaos you could get any one of many Chaos gifts of power bestowed upon you! It’s a win-win scenario.
Read MoreWhen the Admech doesn’t feel like going into the thick of it themselves they send their remote control weapons of mass destruction!
Read MoreThe Night Lords love to strike fear and terror into the hearts of there enemies, especially when they become hulking Daemon Princes!
Read MoreThe Necrons have their own way of dealing with inferior types of lifeforms across the galaxy, they just go ahead and eradicate it!
Read MoreThe Nurgle Daemons are some of the ugliest in the galaxy but that doesn’t stop them from killing everything and being awesome!
Read MoreThe Adeptus Mechanicus were some of the mighty Imperium to have fallen during the heresy, but only half of them. I guess it could be worse.
Read MoreWhen the Nurgle Daemons show up to the party they bring all sorts of filth and decay with them. They also bring snails, lots of snails.
Read MoreThe World Eaters have masterfully created many machines. They have the sole purpose of collecting skulls and blood for their given patron!
Read MoreIf you value your beauty you may not be one for Nurgle. But, if you value power and strength, and to smite your enemies then go for it!!
Read MoreThe Death Guard loves their worship of the patron god Nurgle for he gives them awesomely conversions like this Achilles Land Raider.
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