When hordes of Orruks begin their ravenous decent upon you, what’s a paladin to do!! It’s time to harness the strength of the lions!!
Read MoreConversions
The Flesh Tearer’s love to devise of new ways to do just that, TEAR FLESH!! This guy looks like he just came out of a horror movie!!
Read MoreSometimes even the god Tzeentch doesn’t give you all the change you want, or does he? All I needed were a new set of wings!!
Read MoreWhen a loyalist librarian has a showdown with a few Chaos baddies, you can be sure to expect one amazing spectacle of faith!!
Read MoreWhat’s bigger then big and scarier then scary? A new giant tyranid monster that’s what!! Take a peek but let’s get outta here!
Read MoreOrks are (great) builders and they love speed! Why not combine their two favorite things and have some fun!! FOR THE WAAAAGH!!
Read MoreDo any of you remember a little show in the 90’s called Street Sharks?? Well now they’re coming back into 40k as Titan Sharks!! Take a bite out of this!
Read MoreSometimes when Grandfather Nurgle hands out his blessings, they look more like curses!! If you’re working for a god of decay, guess it’s to be expected!
Read MoreWhen Orks wanna go faster they do two things. First they find some scrap and make it into something, then they paint it RED!!
Read MoreWhen the Blood Angels commission the Priests of Mars to make them a new tank, they make sure its over the top and armed to the teeth!!
Read MoreDo you remember when the biggest titans were actually giant walking cities of destruction? Well this guy is bringing the good times back!
Read MoreThe Orks need for speed is renowned far and wide, and when there normal vehicles don’t go fast enough they have to do a few conversions!
Read MoreA little elbow grease and ingenuity is all it takes, and even you can have a sweet rusted and damage fountain like mine. Water? That’s for suckers!
Read MoreSo you don’t want to make the dreadnought angry, you wouldn’t like a dreadnought when he’s angry!! Get over here you puny Eldar fly!
Read MoreWhen the mechanicus creates its machines you have to wonder what they are thinking, cuz some of this stuff is made of nightmares!!
Read MoreHave you ever wondered what would happen if Nurgle infested a Tyranid fleet? Well wonder no more my lad, here’s some exclusive footage!!
Read MoreAfter the Orks saw the movie Mad Max: Fury Road they thought, “Oi! Boys! Lets show ’em how to really Rock out with our Ork out!”
Read MoreJumping Jehoshaphat! Those relic wings sure do make a great addition to your jump pack! Our vengeance will be swift Space Marines!
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