Hey guys hope everyone had a good weekend. I myself was quite the busy beaver, and managed to put the finishing touches on my Thunderwolf Calvary of Khorne conversion. I can’t wait to hit the table with it. Here is how I went about making it.
When I began the project I started from the bottom up, and by that I mean I started with the mount before I got to the aesthetics of the rider. I knew from how the Juggernaut itself was posed, charging head on, that the rider would need to be posed dynamically with his weapon above his head, or swinging at the enemy.
Then I had to come up with a set of legs to use for the rider. At first I was just going to modify Berzerker legs to work, but then I lucked out and had an extra set of Chaos Knight legs. I dry fitted them up to the Juggernaut and realized that I would have to make a mount for them to sit on. So I whipped that up with some green stuff and cut some channels into the saddle to simulate the armor plating on the mount.
After that another problem presented itself, the legs looked too much like plate armor then power armor. So to get around that I had to green stuff the legs a bit to make them blend more with the rest of the figure. Next I added the most chaotic torso I could find to finish the body.
Check out all the parts to this conversion article here