Who You Calling Junk? Conversion Corner

By Joshua Dunkerly | October 11th, 2021 | Categories: Conversion Corner, Conversions, Warhammer 40k News

The world is a crazy place, you never know when something might go terribly wrong and we may have to live in a Mad Max-style world!

Here are the latest conversions from the community, brought to us by Carlos Pandiella on Spikey Bits hobbies Facebook Group.

Something for fun.

Converted Walker

Whoever created this mech clearly loves his creation, you can tell by its tramp stamp.

Converted Walker

But it’s also been kitted out with enough firepower to level a city block.

Converted Walker

“Hop in my mech, let’s take a ride!”

Interested in showing off your work on Spikey Bits, and seeing your name in lights? We want those pics!